Family Handbook 2017-18
HAVERGAL COLLEGE Family Handbook 2017–18
About Havergal
School Leadership
Havergal College Directory
Upper School (Grades 7 –12)
Guidance and Learning Support
Who to Contact When...
What To Do When…
Parent Involvement
Havergal Old Girls’ Associa on (HOGA)
Academic Prac ces
Extended Student Absences
Communica on
Health, Safety and Security
Safety and Security
School Rules
Academic Honesty and Integrity
School Uniform
The Junior School Day
Junior School Rou nes
The Upper School Day
Forum for Change
Student Leadership
Athle cs
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Publica ons
Private Music Lessons (Op onal)
Havergal Celebra ons and Special Events
Havergal Agreements, Policies and Guidelines
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
About Havergal
A dynamic global leader inspiring the pursuit of wisdom and self‐knowledge
Preparing young women to make a difference Integrity. Inquiry. Compassion. Courage.
The Marguerite Daisy
The Havergator whose name is ‘Allie Gator’ Vitai Lampada Tradens (Passing on the Torch of Life)
History “In the spring of 1894, a school for girls at 350 Jarvis Street was about to close its doors, and a group of men led by The Honourable H. Blake formed an organiza on for taking over the building and making it the home of what became Havergal College. The group of men who founded Havergal College had great faith in the future of Canada and wanted to provide a sound academic educa on for their daughters. Being members and strong followers of the Anglican Church of Canada, they established the con nuing policy of having its beliefs and teachings in their school. Miss Ellen Mary Knox was the First Principal of the school. She was a graduate of Oxford University, a teacher at Cheltenham Ladies College in England, a devout member of the Church and Principal of Havergal College. The school cared about the educa on of women long before most women began to take themselves seriously.” Havergal College was named for Frances Ridley Havergal, an outstanding woman of the early Victorian era. A composer, author and humanitarian, her hymns were used by the Church of England and by non‐conformist religions. These hymns have survived repeated hymnbook revisions and con nue to appear in Anglican, United Church and Presbyterian hymnals. Ellen Knox, who led the school with vision through its first 30 years (1894 to 1924), o en posed the ques on to her students: “What are you going to do?” This principle s ll lives in Havergal’s mission statement. For more than a century, Old Girls have answered that challenge to make a difference by leading and contribu ng to their professions, to their communi es and to the world. – Catherine Steele 1928, M.A., D.Litt. D.S. Litt.
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Educa onal Philosophy An independent day and boarding school dedicated to the educa on of young women, Havergal addresses educa onal needs by crea ng a learning environment that encourages girls to respond with vigour and imagina on to their world. We believe that a sound academic educa on is essen al so that students will: ● discover the excitement of learning; ● develop their powers of curiosity, reasoning, imagina on and expression; ● assess the cultural, ar s c, scien fic and moral developments of humankind; ● take an ac ve role in changing society as intelligent, informed and responsible global ci zen; ● cul vate and leverage the skills required to meet challenges, achieve goals and bounce back from setbacks and disappointment; and ● enjoy physical and mental well‐being through exercise, ac vity and life‐work balance. Havergal students benefit from the many opportuni es available to them to pursue their individual skills, interests, talents and abili es. The school aims to develop the primary virtues of a democra c society: compassion and concern for others, tolerance for different points of view and an ac ve sense of public spirit and service. Havergal Symbols The school’s symbols include the Havergal Crest, comprised of maple leaves, laurel branches, a torch and a lamp of learning, which symbolizes the school mo o of “passing on the torch of life” (Vitai Lampada Tradens). The Marguerite daisy was chosen as the school flower “because it grew so cheerily wherever its luck found it, and because it looked up so steadily at the light that its heart was pierced with purest gold, its petals the purest white.” – First Principal, Ellen Knox Havergal Tradi ons Havergal has many tradi ons that have stood the test of me including: Prayers, Founders’ Day, Celebra on Weekend, Carol Service, the House System, Candlelight Ceremony, Grandchildrens’ Party and many more. The school fosters strong es within its community of students, Old Girls (graduates), parents, faculty and staff. Old Girls cherish the lifelong friendships and support
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network they developed at the school and serve as inspira onal role models for Havergal students. Since 1896, more than 9,000 alumnae have graduated from the school.
House System The House System forms the basis for cross‐grade community building within the school. It fosters peer‐to‐peer mentoring and leadership development, as the program is primarily student‐led. There are 10 Houses, each of which are named in honour of women who have contributed to the well‐being of Havergal in different but meaningful ways. Some have been Principals of the school, some have been much‐loved staff members and others have influenced the growth of the school. Havergal’s House system is an integral part of the school’s organiza on, with every JK–12 student, staff and faculty member belonging to one of the 10 Houses. Siblings and daughters of alumnae join the Houses of their rela ves. Each girl’s efforts and achievements in House spirit compe ons, athle cs, the arts and co‐curricular ac vi es credit her House toward winning the House Banner for the year. Prayers Prayers is rooted in Havergal’s rich Anglican tradi on. Faculty, staff and students gather for Prayers three mes per week in the Junior and Upper School respec vely. Prayers creates a shared space for the Chaplain, students, faculty, staff, Old Girls and invited guests to ar culate the school’s spiritual values and to make meaningful connec ons between the kinds of thinking and learning we do in rela on to our community and, more broadly, the world. Prayers prompts ques ons, deepens insights and celebrates our community in all its diversity. Students are invited to reflect on the resonance of the school’s vision, mission and values and how they can apply these to their own lives. Major religious fes vals of other faiths are also celebrated at Prayers. A endance at Prayers is compulsory because it is considered instruc onal me and, as such, is an academic requirement. Parents are always welcome to a end Prayers. Values, Ethics and Religious Educa on At Havergal, the development of spiritual and moral values is an essen al part of character development. All students from JK to Grade 8 par cipate in religious educa on classes. While our tradi ons are Anglican, major religious fes vals of other faiths are celebrated and shared.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Commitment to Diversity Havergal will foster understanding and tolerance about difference in race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, ci zenship, creed, sex, sexual orienta on, gender iden ty, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability. These terms shall have the meaning accorded to them under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Commitment to Sustainability The Havergal community will meet its responsibility to contribute to the flourishing of the Earth. Each member of the school community is a part of the collec ve responsibility to build awareness and understanding of sustainable prac ces and principles and to implement prac ces and policies in focus areas including energy efficiency, waste reduc on and the procurement and use of resources. For more informa on, visit:‐campus/sustainability Commitment to Philanthropy Havergal’s long tradi on of philanthropic support has spanned genera ons. Support began with the founding of Havergal in 1894. The establishment of its present campus in 1926, the addi on of new wings built in 1959, 1977 and 1999 as well as Havergal’s Athle c Centre (built in 2006) and Dr. Catherine Steele Archives were all made possible through contribu ons from members of the Havergal community. Why Is Dona ng Important? Each year, we invite members of the Havergal community, including parents, Old Girls, Grade 12 students, staff and friends to donate to our Annual Fund. Everyone who is a member of the Havergal community is invited to support to the best of their ability. Annual giving is an important source of financial support for curriculum enrichment, financial assistance, special projects and many other ini a ves that make our academic, athle cs, arts and music programs unique. Each genera on of Havergal students have benefited from the generosity of past supporters. By making your annual gi , you are advancing our culture of giving and ensuring that our girls have an enriching experience while at Havergal. Par cipa on is in many ways as important as the amount given ; a sense of community is strengthened when everyone gives and feels invested in the school’s mission.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
The Annual Giving program is administered by staff in the department of Advancement & Community Rela ons. Annual Giving packages are mailed each fall. A reminder mailing is delivered in the spring to those who have not already made a dona on. We aim to have 100% par cipa on from parents.
Did you know? ● Tui on covers approximately 90% of the actual cost of a Havergal educa on.
● All gi s of $25 or more receive a charitable tax receipt. ● Havergal’s fiscal year is from July 1st to June 30th. ● All Havergal donors are recognized in our Annual Report.
What Are the Priority Areas? Where you direct your gi is up to you. Some donors direct their dona ons toward specific areas, while others choose the area of greatest need. This year, Havergal’s area of greatest need is the Limitless Campaign. Limitless Campaign In addi on to annual giving support, the school undertakes a major fundraising campaign approximately every decade to ensure our facili es remain current and that we are able to support our curriculum and the latest, most effec ve teaching methods that are specific to how girls learn. The Limitless Campaign brings to life our strategic vision of delivering leading programs in spaces that inspire learning. Our goal is to raise $21 million to support developments to Havergal’s Junior and Upper Schools in order to provide the best teaching and learning environments possible. We are proud to be working with Diamond Schmi Architects, a Governor General’s Award‐winning firm, where Havergal Old Girl Sydney Browne (Class of 1982) is a Principal. The completed project will see our Junior School students benefi ng from a two‐storey addi on to the north of the exis ng building, where customized classrooms for Art, Music and STEM programs will inspire girls to think cri cally and inter‐dependently. Reconstructed Junior and Senior Kindergarten classrooms, a renovated gymnasium and a new dining wing will significantly change the look and feel of the Junior School. Our Upper School students will experience a three‐storey addi on at the rear of the building adjoining the Athle c Centre, providing redesigned Art studios, innova ve technology classrooms, a new student commons (featuring a
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BioWall), a newly designed quad and a renovated servery. The school is aiming to complete renova ons by early 2019, in me to mark Havergal’s 125th anniversary.
The capital campaign can only be realized by the con nued investment from our community—parents, grandparents, Old Girls, faculty, staff and friends.
To make a gi online, please visit
What Is the Impact of My Gi ? ● Bursary support makes a Havergal educa on more accessible for qualified students who could not otherwise afford to a end. ● Upgraded equipment and quality resources strengthen our Athle cs, Arts, Drama and Music programs. ● Guest speakers are experts in their fields who can expand the reach of the classroom. ● Enhanced learning spaces offer more flexible learning environments. ● Professional development for teachers encourages innova on in the classroom. How Do I Make My Gi ? ● Please feel free to call the Advancement Officer, Community Rela ons at 416‐482‐4707 ● You can also review the different ways to give on the website at: h ps://‐to‐give/ ● In the fall, you will receive an Annual Giving package with a reply envelope enclosed for your dona on – many of our parents choose to donate through the mailed package.
Havergal’s charitable business number is: 11923 7212 RR0001
The Havergal College Founda on The Havergal College Founda on oversees the investment of funds raised by the Havergal community. The Founda on ensures that the assets of The Founda on, together with expected contribu ons and income, are invested in a prudent and effec ve manner. Please visit for more informa on on The Havergal College Founda on.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
School Leadership
Governance The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall stewardship of Havergal College. The Board sets broad policy direc ons through strategic planning and goal se ng and ensures the financial stability of the school. The Board is responsible for appoin ng the Principal to whom it delegates authority over the administra on of the school and ma ers of curriculum and staffing. In keeping with membership requirements of the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), the Board oversees the school and remains at arm’s length from the administra on. Senior Leadership Team (SLT) The Senior Leadership Team oversees all aspects of the school. This team is chaired by the Principal and made up of individuals with responsibili es for Academics (curricular and co‐curricular program), Admissions, Advancement, Community Rela ons, Communica ons, Marke ng, Facili es, Finance, School Life, Opera ons, Safety, Student Wellness, Human Resources and Informa on Technology. The SLT is comprised of the following members:
Helen‐Kay Davy Seonaid Davis
Vice Principal Teaching & Learning Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons
Michael Simmonds
Vice Principal Student Engagement & Experien al Development
Garth Nichols
Interim Head, Junior School (JK–6) Head, Senior School (Grades 9–12)
Kate White
Gillian Mar n
Execu ve Director of Enrollment Management Execu ve Director of Communica ons & Marke ng Execu ve Director of Advancement & Community Rela ons
Maggie Houston‐White Antonie a Mirabelli
Tony diCosmo Sandip Mitra
Chief Financial Officer Director of Facili es
Lisa Massie
Execu ve Director of People & Culture
Catherine Caven Ortved
Director of IT
Keith Townend
Execu ve Assistant to the Principal and Board of Governors
Jill Azis
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Principal The Principal provides strategic oversight and leadership to all aspects of Havergal College while fostering the school’s principles of imagina on, diversity, excellence, altruism, leadership and spiritual life. As well, the Principal oversees fiscal and human resources management, fundraising and advancement ini a ves, the development of faculty and staff, short‐ and long‐term facili es planning, local and global outreach and building rela onships within and beyond the Havergal community. The Principal ensures that Havergal’s vision, mission and values guide and support the school’s strategic and opera onal ini a ves and welcomes the opportunity to meet with individual parents to discuss various school‐related topics. Vice Principal (VP) Teaching & Learning The VP, Teaching & Learning provides leadership and strategic oversight for academic programming and Ministry compliance from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. Learning support specialists and Junior School Curriculum Coordinators and Upper School Department Heads work closely with the VP Teaching & Learning to align the teaching and learning vision of the school. The VP Teaching & Learning oversees the professional development of all faculty. Vice Principal (VP) School Life & Opera ons The VP School Life & Opera ons provides leadership and strategic oversight for the day to day opera ons and safety of the Upper School (Grades 7 to 12), which includes the Boarding School (Grades 9 to 12). The VP School Life & Opera ons also oversees whole school (JK–12) events and assists other school leaders in dealing with serious student discipline and faculty accountability related issues. Vice Principal (VP) Student Engagement & Experien al Development The VP Student Engagement & Experien al Development provides leadership and strategic oversight for student engagement and leadership opportuni es both within and outside the school. The VP Student Engagement & Experien al Development oversees the Forum for Change to ensure its mandate is consistent with the school’s strategic direc on.
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Interim Head, Junior School (JK–6) The Interim Head, Junior School is responsible for the leadership and strategic oversight of the Junior School students, faculty and opera ons. The Interim Head ensures that effec ve strategies, resources and personnel are in place to meet the needs of students and faculty in the Junior School. Head, Senior School (Grades 9–12) The Head, Senior School has oversight for student support services, which includes student wellness, student discipline, the Teacher Advisor (TA) and House programs, student wellness as well as a endance and behaviour tracking. The Head, Senior School also organizes a speaker series for parents on issues related to student wellness. Execu ve Director (ED) of Enrollment Management The Execu ve Director of Enrollment Management provides leadership and strategic oversight for the projec on and management of Havergal’s enrollment from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12, for both day and boarding students. This ED is responsible for the recruitment, admission and reten on of Havergal students and all processes associated with these areas in order to support the sustainability of the school. As member of the SLT the ED sits on relevant Board Sub‐commi ees. Execu ve Director (ED) of Communica ons & Marke ng The Execu ve Director of Communica ons & Marke ng provides leadership and strategic oversight in the crea on and execu on of all of Havergal’s marke ng and communica ons programs and ac vi es. The ED of Communica on & Marke ng works to increase Havergal’s brand recogni on, ensures consistent messaging across the school’s online, social media and print material and manages public rela ons, media inquires and Havergal’s Crisis Communica ons Plan. Execu ve Director (ED) of Advancement & Community Rela ons The Execu ve Director of Advancement & Community Rela ons oversees the por olios of major gi s, annual giving, special events, alumnae communica ons and prospect research. As an ambassador for Havergal and the broader community, the ED of Advancement & Community
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provides guidance to the Havergal College Parent Associa on (HCPA). This ED spearheads the securing of financial support from poten al donors commi ed to the vision of the school and leads strategies to engage alumnae, parents and others in school life as volunteers, advocates and supporters. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the daily financial opera ons of the school, while driving Havergal’s long‐term strategy for fiscal sustainability. The CFO acts as the Treasurer of the Board of Governors and of The Havergal College Founda on. Addi onally, the CFO will be the staff liaison to the Chair of the Finance and Audit Commi ee and oversee the financial management of the school’s Master Plan. This role extends to the areas of Food Services, Informa on Technology, Facili es and the Business Office to ensure the smooth delivery of those func ons. Director of Facili es The Director of Facili es provides leadership throughout the school in se ng the direc on for the design, plans, construc on and maintenance of Havergal’s building, grounds, equipment, security, construc on and other facili es to achieve op mal u liza on. In addi on, the Director of Facili es ensures compliance with the regula ons and integrity of the historical status and designa on of the main building. Execu ve Director (ED) of People & Culture The Execu ve Director of People & Culture provides leadership and strategic oversight in the development and implementa on of contemporary human resources frameworks that con nue to a ract and retain a highly engaged, commi ed and professional workforce. As well, the ED of People and Culture is responsible for consul ng with senior leaders to align and implement human resources policies and programs that support Havergal’s philosophy, objec ves and strategic plan, as well as providing HR support to all employees. Director of Informa on Technology (IT) The Director of IT is responsible for providing vision and leadership in developing and implemen ng the informa on technology strategy to support the school’s strategic plan and mission. Working collabora vely with academic and administra ve staff, the Director of IT ensures the school’s network infrastructure and system servers provide a safe and reliable pla orm by
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which the school can serve all members of its community. The Director of IT ensures that school’s technology ini a ves enhance teaching and learning.
Execu ve Assistant (EA) to the Principal and Board of Governors Execu ve Assistant to the Principal and Board of Governors is responsible for all administra ve func ons and support rela ng to the Office of the Principal and to the Board of Governors. As an Officer of the Corpora on, the EA serves as Corporate Secretary, advising on Board processes, procedures, record‐keeping and regulatory filings.
Administra on, Faculty and Staff
Assistant Head, Middle School (7–8) The Assistant Head, Middle School leads the Middle School Form Program, oversees student life and student engagement ini a ves and manages the opera onal running of the Middle School. The Assistant Head, Middle School is responsible for student discipline in Grades 7 and 8. Head, Boarding School (Grades 9–12) The Head, Boarding School provides oversight and leadership for the Boarding School program, working closely with Dons & Junior Dons to create a safe, nurturing and suppor ve home‐away‐from‐home for Havergal’s Boarding community. The Head, Boarding also collaborates with the subject teachers, the School Nurse, Guidance Counsellors and other members of the Student Support Team to ensure the academic, social, emo onal and wellness needs of Boarders are met. Curriculum Coordinators (Junior School) The Curriculum Coordinators are teaching and learning specialists in their respec ve disciplines (Literacy, Mathema cs, STEM and Program Integra on) and work closely with the homeroom teachers in planning and co‐teaching. Each Coordinator provides professional development opportuni es and helps develop program resources to ensure the breadth, depth and consistency of our program areas.
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Department Heads (Upper School) Department Heads are the teaching and learning specialists in their respec ve disciplines and work closely with their departmental colleagues. In this role, they remain knowledgeable and current on pedagogical issues, strategies and approaches to support an aligned vision for teaching and learning at Havergal. Homeroom Teachers (JK to Grade 6) Students in JK to Grade 6 are organized into homerooms and have a teacher who oversees both the academic and social emo onal learning of each student. Specialist Teachers (Junior School) Students are taught by specialist teachers in the areas of Visual Arts, Music, French, Technology and Health and Physical Educa on. These teachers are subject specialists. Form Teachers (Grades 7 and 8) In Grade 7 and 8, students are organized into forms and students meet with their Form teacher in their designated Form room, four mornings each week. The Form teacher oversees a endance, announcements, uniform checks and the Form program. House Advisors (Upper School) House Advisors are House leaders whose job it is to oversee and guide their Teacher Advisor (TA) colleagues when implemen ng the TA program. They guide and support the student leadership in the house to develop and deliver a House program. Teacher Advisors (Grades 9 to 12) In Grades 9 to 12, each student is organized by house and has a designated Teacher Advisor (TA). These faculty and staff members meet four mornings each week with your daughter(s) and are responsible for monitoring each student. The TA oversees a endance, announcements, uniform checks and the TA program.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Learning Support Specialists (JK–Grade 12) Our Learning Support Specialists support the learning needs of all students in the school. Working one‐on‐one with students who have iden fied learning needs as well as teachers, our Learning Support Team puts into place the accommoda ons required for student success. Guidance Counsellors (Grades 7–12) The Guidance department provides services and informa on to assist Upper School students and their parents in making educa onal, career and personal development decisions. The Guidance Counsellors acts as liaisons with teaching staff, Boarding staff, Wellness staff, Chaplains and, where appropriate, external agencies. In Grades 9 and 10, Guidance Counsellors focus on the developmental and academic needs of students, academic planning and transi on. In Grades 11 and 12, Guidance Counsellors focus on the university planning and applica on process. Addi onally, Guidance Counsellors support students’ social and emo onal needs. Students are placed with their respec ve Guidance Counsellor by House. School‐Based Social Worker (Grades 7–12) The School‐Based Social Worker is available in the school on a part me basis. Counselling appointments are confiden al and at no cost to students and their families. Chaplains (JK–Grade 12) Havergal’s roots are steeped in the Anglican tradi on and the school is fortunate to have two ordained Anglican priests working with the school to meet the pastoral and spiritual needs of the Havergal community. While our school tradi ons have an Anglican focus, major religious fes vals of other faiths are celebrated and honoured at Prayers. Nurses (JK–Grade 12) Staffed by Registered Nurses, the Wellness Centre supports the physical well‐being of Havergal students. Wellness Centre staff work to educate students with respect to health and wellness, while trea ng medical concerns according to medical direc ves issued by the school’s physician consult.
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Physiotherapists (Grades 7–12) Qualified physiotherapists provide treatment to Havergal Upper School student athletes in the treatment room located on the lowest level of the Athle c Centre. Students needing significant treatment will be referred to support outside of the school. Athle c Directors There are two Athle c Directors in the school: Junior School (JK to Grade 6) and Upper School (Grades 7 to 12). These individuals have direct oversight of all intramural and compe ve athle c ac vi es. Director of Performing Arts (Grades 5–12) The Director of Performing Arts provides leadership and oversight to the co‐curricular program in the discrete domains of music, drama and dance while also amplifying student poten al in the discrete domains of music, drama and dance. Student Support Team (JK–Grade 12) The Student Support Team (SST) consists of Junior and Upper School faculty and staff who collec vely oversee school strategies related to student support and wellness. It is led by the Head, Senior School.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Havergal College Directory Junior School: 460 Rosewell Ave., Toronto, ON, M4R 2H5 Upper School: 1451 Avenue Rd., Toronto, ON, M5N 2H9
General Opera on Hours, Monday to Friday, 7:30 am – 5 pm
Security Opera on Hours 24 hours/day Email Addresses for Faculty & Staff: [first ini al + last name]
Main Telephone
Direct Telephone Access
416.483.3843 + Ext.
Security Main Fax
416.483.3843 (Ext. 6602)
Account Statements
4701 4726 6521 4770 4700 4710 4706 4711 4701
Admissions & Enrollment Management
Dona ons and Receipts
Change in Personal Contact Informa on (address, phone number &/or email)
Financial Aid
Green & Gold Shop (uniforms and school supplies)
Havergal Old Girls’ Associa on (HOGA)
Transcript Requests
Tui on Receipts
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Junior School (JK–Grade 6)
Junior School Office (JSO)
416.483.3519 416.483.8747
A endance
6510 6928
Gator Care Supervisor
Interim Head, Junior School
Kate White
4713 6510 6608
Assistant to the Interim Head, Junior School
Karen Nielsen Calen Cifani
Administra ve Assistant
Vice Principals VP Teaching & Learning
Seonaid Davis
4719 6704
Assistant, VP Teaching & Learning
Alice Dana
VP School Life & Opera ons
Michael Simmonds
7541 6508
Assistant, VP School Life & Opera ons
Laura Sanchez
VP Student Engagement &
Garth Nichols
Experien al Development Assistant, VP Student Engagement &
Sally Danto
Experien al Development
Curriculum Coordinators Literacy
Nancy Tulli
7513 6933 7534 7591
Mathema cs
Kathy Kubota‐Zarivnij
Integrated Learning
Rachel Read Darryl Reiter
Form Teachers Junior Kindergarten (JK)
Emily Partyka
6925 6924 6926 7620
Laura Campbell
Senior Kindergarten (SK)
Usha Shanmugathasan
Melissa Hickey
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Grade 1G Grade 1H Grade 2L Grade 2T Grade 3L Grade 3P Grade 4C Grade 4G Grade 5L Grade 5Y Grade 6C Grade 6M
Cate Gulyas Leslie Hood
7621 7503 7714 7802 7822 7617 7506 6935 7694 7669 7753 6644 7522 7614 6923 7674 7523 7673 7614 7695 6644 7537 7531 7530 6934
Laura Logaridis Ka e Tranter Andy Lucacescu Hilary Prosser Britney Coleman Kathryn Thibeault
Jesse Grosman
Raeme Lockington
Julie Yocom
Helen Carayannis
Erin Murphy
Specialist Teachers Athle cs Director
Sarah Szolopiak
Stephanie Douglas Bowman
Patrizia Rizzo
France Gareau
Heather Cameron
Carrie Powers
Sarah Szolopiak
Jeff MacLean
Rachel Read
Technology Visual Art
Helen Carayannis
Rosa Mastri Ashley Fawce
Learning Support Specialists
Cheryl MacKinnon
Jodi McGeown
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Upper School (Grades 7 –12)
Day School Office (DSO)
416.482.4723 416.483.3519 416.483.6796
Boarding School Office (BSO)
Vice Principals Vice Principal Teaching & Learning Assistant to the VP Teaching & Learning
Seonaid Davis
4719 6704
Alice Dana
Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons Assistant to the VP School Life & Opera ons
Michael Simmonds
7541 6508
Laura Sanchez
Vice Principal Student Engagement &
Garth Nichols
Experien al Development Assistant to the VP Student Engagement & Sally Danto
Experien al Development
Department Heads Visual Art
Miriam Davidson Andrea Charlton Heather Johnstone Sandra Nelson Tony Nardi Alex Shum Jessica Lloyd Derek Tellis Lindsay Norberg Seonaid Davis Kari Macer
4715 6614
Health & Physical Educa on
Languages (Fr., Sp., La n & Mandarin)
Library Informa on Centre
Mathema cs
6628 7504 7512 4719
Social Sciences
Technological Educa on
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Guidance Department Guidance Counselor (Grades 7 and 8) Guidance Counselor (Grades 9 & 10) ● For students in AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF Guidance Counselor (Grades 9 & 10) ● For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW Guidance Counselor (Grades 11 & 12) ● For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW Guidance Counselor (Grades 11 & 12) ● For students in AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF
Carrie Steele
7528 6611
Jennifer Mandala
Kirsten Uhre
Heather Grant
Heather Johnstone
Administra ve Assistant, Guidance
Cathy Atkinson
Learning Support Specialists Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) Senior School (Grades 9–12)
Carrie Steele Nicole Klement
7528 7529
Athle cs, Performing Arts, Pastoral Care, Wellness and Security School Chaplain
The Rev. Canon Susan Bell
6534 6667 6607 4712 6512 6715 6611 4709
Director, Performing Arts
Cissy Goodridge Angie Holstein Sharon Miller Robert Stepien Jackie Suongas Vanessa Wade Rauni Whitely
Social Worker School Nurse
Security Manager
Athle cs Director, Upper School Coordinator, Student Leadership
Food & Service Director
Forum for Change Manager, Forum for Change
Melanie Belore Anastasia Wowk Jennifer Russell
Program Manager, Community Outreach
6506 6505
Program Manager, Senior School
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Informa on Technology & BYOD Director of IT
Keith Townend Paul Shuebrook Shawn Fauvelle David Johnson
Technology Integra on
4708 7550 4771 6656 6728 6659 6517
Technical Services
Service Desk Technician
Eva Silva
Selvia Soegiaman
Bruce Chow Peter Caira
Database Analysis & Project Management
Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) Assistant Head, Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) JJ Pa erson
7549 6508
Assistant to the Assistant Head, Middle School (Grades 7 and 8)
Laura Sanchez
Grade 7 Form Teachers 7A
Megan Briggs
7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7G 7H
Sarah Cro Sara Spigo
Heather Barr
7806 7663
Karen Mackasey
Jeff Adams
Alexandra Denis
7626 7606
Jennifer Mills
Grade 8 Form Teachers 8A
Kevin Walsh
7808 6921 7735 6628 7809
8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G 8H
Amanda Vincent
Kari Macer Jessica Llyod
Ingrid Chadwick Gordon Grisé Andrea Charlton
4715 6682
JJ Pa erson
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Senior School (Grades 9–12) Head, Senior School Assistant to Head, Senior School
Gillian Mar n
Sally Danto
Boarding School (Grades 9–12) Head, Boarding School
Natalia Stewart
House Advisors Agnes Hansen Catherine Steele
Jennifer Mandala Karen Whi ield
6653 7515
Edith Nainby
Risa Morris
Ellen Knox
Burke Paterson
7661 7535 7590 6616 7665 7693 7619
Frances Ridley Kate Leonard
Eli Javasky Sarah Ianni Tony Nardi
Marcelle DeFreitas Margaret Taylor
Jennifer Pollack Judith De Boer Mary Ann Krotz
Marian Wood Mary Dennys
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Guidance and Learning Support Successful people cul vate resilience and a resolve to face challenges, setbacks and disappointments. As such, the school aims to help girls develop the confidence and for tude required of them to persevere through difficult mes to achieve their goals. Guidance and Learning Support Specialists play an important suppor ng role in this regard by encouraging students to become advocates for their own learning needs and post‐secondary aspira ons. The essen al role of Guidance and Learning Support teachers is to help our students at every grade to get know themselves socially, emo onally and intellectually. Not only do they work directly with students, but they act as liaisons with faculty, Boarding staff, Wellness staff, Administrators and, where appropriate, external agencies. Our Learning Support Specialists develop student‐specific educa onal plans that help them achieve academic success in the classroom. They also help students develop essen al execu ve func oning skills like me management, task ini a on and perseverance that serve students in the classroom and beyond. Guidance Counsellors work closely with Upper School students at every grade to help them navigate the norma ve social/emo onal turbulence that defines the Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) and Senior School (Grades 9 to 12) years. They visit classes regarding course selec on in January and help Upper School students make sense of how their elec ve choices can impact their university admission prospects for different programs. Guidance Counsellors work with students one‐on‐one, in small groups and grade‐specific groups. Two designated counselors also work closely with our Grade 11 and 12 students with their their postsecondary career and university admission aspira ons. Our graduates a end highly compe ve ins tu ons in Canada and interna onally. A Framework for Repor ng the Disclosure of Personal Informa on by Upper School Students It is not uncommon for an Upper School (Grades 7 to 12) student to have a conversa on with a Guidance Counsellor, School Nurse, the school Social Worker, a coach or another trusted faculty or staff member in which the student discloses sensi ve personal informa on about herself and/or her family. In so doing, the student might specifically request that the informa on she discloses not be shared with her parents.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
While we encourage Upper School students to share important disclosures they might make to faculty and staff about their physical and/or mental health and well‐being with their parents, it is key that Upper School parents appreciate that capable students have legal rights to their privacy and the confiden ality of their personal informa on, including personal health informa on, under applicable laws. When a capable Upper School student discloses personal informa on to faculty and staff and specifically requests that the conversa on and its details remain confiden al, it is important for parents to understand that, with the excep on of an imminent risk and/or health or safety‐related circumstances, the student’s request will be honoured. When a student discloses informa on to a faculty or staff member about her personal health or safety‐related circumstances and the school believes there is an imminent risk to the student or to others, the student’s right to confiden ality will not prevail and the school will comply with its legal duty to report, which, in most cases, would involve immediately contac ng the student’s parents. Havergal has outlined steps to manage the kinds of personal disclosures that students can, and do, make to faculty and staff. School Administrators and support team members work together, as needed and on a case‐by‐case basis, to assess a student’s risk to herself and to others and establish a preventa ve ac on plan, when necessary. The Principal has a duty to give assiduous a en on to the health and comfort of students under the school’s care. Educators have a common law standard of care to act as reasonably careful or prudent parents in the circumstances. Havergal, including its faculty and staff, is required to follow applicable laws and the policies and protocols established by professional organiza ons, such as the Ontario College of Teachers, that support the care and well‐being of school‐aged children and young adults.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Policy on Summer School, Night School, Saturday School and Correspondence Courses
In order that an Ontario Secondary School Diploma granted by Havergal College reflects academic work done at the school, Havergal has implemented the following policy on supplementary courses. These include summer school courses, night school courses, courses delivered through the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) and Saturday courses. 1. Students must take all compulsory courses for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, including English 12 (ENG4U), at Havergal. 2. Students must take all prerequisite courses at Havergal, e.g., a student may not take Grade 11 Biology (SBI3U) in the summer and then register for Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U) at Havergal in a subsequent year. 3. Students will not be permi ed to register at an ILC, night school or Saturday school course if the course is offered and available to the student at Havergal. 4. Students registered in Saturday, night or ILC courses must maintain the minimum course load in their day program. If a student enters Grade 12 and needs six credits to fulfill the diploma requirement, she must be registered for six courses at Havergal. There may be excep ons to the above policy due to extenua ng circumstances such as prolonged illness, an extraordinary commitment (e.g., Na onal Team compe on) or other special needs. These excep ons will be determined on an individual basis by the VP, Teaching & Learning. Ministry Requirements for Community Involvement (Grades 9–12) In Ontario, every secondary school student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement ac vi es as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility. Through this program, students gain an understanding of the role they can play and the contribu ons they can make in suppor ng and strengthening their communi es. Another purpose of the community involvement requirement is to develop strong es between students and their community, fostering valuable partnerships and long‐term rela onships. Community involvement ac vi es may be completed at any me prior to gradua on. However, students may only begin accumula ng community involvement hours once they have completed their final day of Grade 8. Students who enter Havergal College from outside of Ontario in Grades
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
9 and 10 must complete 40 hours of community involvement. However, students who enter Havergal College in Grade 11 must complete 20 hours of community involvement and students who enter Havergal College in Grade 12 must complete 10 hours of community involvement. All par cipants, including students and community sponsors, must be adequately covered by Havergal College’s insurance. Havergal College will not approve student par cipa on in any ac vi es that are on the Ministry of Educa on’s list of ineligible ac vi es, but it is important to note that subject to administra ve approval, students may be able to accumulate up to 10 community service hours volunteering at school‐sanc oned events, such as parent‐teacher conference mee ngs.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
Who To Contact When...
An Issue or Concern Ini ally Arises Please contact the person who you feel is closest to that concern. If the concern is: ● Academic: Contact the teacher ● Social / Emo onal (Junior School): Contact the Homeroom Teacher (JK–Grade 6) ● Social / Emo onal (Upper School): Contact the Guidance Counsellor (Grades 7–12)
● Social / Emo onal (Boarding School): Contact the Family Don ● Junior School Squads, Squad Teams, Teams: Contact the Coach ● Upper School Athle c Concern: Contact the Team Coach
An Issue or Concern Is Not Resolved A er Speaking With the Person Closest to the Issue ● Academic ○ Curriculum Coordinator or Learning Support (JK–6) ○ Department Head (Grades 7–12) ● Social / Emo onal:
○ Learning Support (JK–Grade 6) ○ Department Head, Guidance ● Athle cs in the Junior School: Squads, Squad Teams, Teams ○ JS Athle c Director (Grades 4–6) ● Athle cs in the Upper School ○ US Athle c Director (Grades 7–12) ● Student Leadership ○ Assistant Head, Middle School (Grades 7 and 8) ○ Coordinator of Student Leadership (Grades 9–12)
● Student Discipline
○ Interim Head, Junior School (JK–Grade 6) ○ Assistant Head, Middle School (Grades 7 and 8)
○ Head, Senior School (Grades 9–12) ○ Head, Boarding School (Grades 9–12)
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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