Family Handbook 2017-18

Havergal College Code of Conduct  The Havergal College Code of Conduct  sets out  school‐wide  standards of behaviour. These  standards of behaviour apply  to  students whether  they are on  school property, at  school‐related  events or ac vi es or  in other  circumstances  that  could have an  impact on  the  school  culture.  They also apply  to all members of  the Havergal College  community  including  the Principal,  faculty,  staff, parents,  volunteers  (including Governors) and  community groups. Self‐discipline and a  willingness  to accept  responsibility  for one’s ac ons and  conduct are  fundamental  to  the Havergal  College Code of Conduct.  The enforcement of  the Havergal College Code of Conduct and  the  imposi on of disciplinary  ac on are  the  responsibility of  the Principal and her designates who  consult with  students,  faculty,  staff, parents and others as deemed appropriate.   1.  Introduc on  Havergal College  is a  community of  students,  faculty,  staff and parents dedicated  to:  1. excellence  in educa on;  2. embracing  the  school’s  values:  Integrity,  Inquiry, Compassion & Courage;  3. fostering personal and  social growth  in an environment of  individual  responsibility;  4. developing  in  students  independence and  self‐discipline; and  5. expanding  student’s  interests and  skills  through  curricular and  co‐curricular pursuits.  The Havergal College Code of Conduct  is based on underlying principles  that promote  respect,  civility, and  responsible  ci zenship  in a  safe  learning and  teaching environment defined by  the  highest  standards of academic excellence, personal behaviour and personal accountability. A  posi ve  school  climate exists when all members of  the  school  community  feel  safe,  comfortable  and accepted.   All  students, parents,  faculty and  staff have  the  right  to be  safe, and  feel  safe,  in  the  school  community. With  this  right  comes  the  responsibility  to  contribute  to a posi ve  school  climate. The  promo on of  strategies and  ini a ves,  such as  character development, along with  the  employment of preven on and  interven on  strategies  to address  inappropriate behaviour,  fosters  a posi ve  school  climate  that  supports academic achievement and  the well‐being of all  students.  Students and parents must agree  to  comply with  the Havergal College Code of Conduct. 

Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017  Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18


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