Family Handbook 2017-18
Online Parent Directory—Confiden ality Agreement All new and returning families must sign this agreement during the registra on process each year.
I grant Havergal College permission to release my household informa on within the Havergal community, including my home address, home telephone number and primary email address.
On the Parent Portal, I am aware that I have the ability to update myhousehold informa on and select what informa on I want published in the Online Parent Directory for other parents to see.
As part of the Havergal community, I adhere to the school’s confiden ality agreement when with personal data with respect to privacy laws, including access and use of informa on on the Online Parent Directory. I agree to keep confiden al the informa on, materials and knowledge to which I am privy, and agree not to use/circulate/share any of this informa on for any reason or gain of any other kind. I also agree to only use the Online Parent Directory informa on for school‐related purposes. If I am found to be ac ng in a way that is not in keeping with this agreement, I understand that I will receive a warning for the first incident and will be blocked from access to the Parent Portal for repeated infrac ons.
Please note: In order to facilitate contact with parents, Havergal faculty and staff and Grade Representa ves (Grade Reps) will have access to household informa on for all parents.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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