Family Handbook 2017-18

The  school understands  that,  from  me  to  me, a  student will  forget her  swipe  card.  In  the dining  room,  students may provide  their  student number  for  food purchase.  Incidents of  forgo en  cards  are  recorded and a  student who  frequently  forgets her  card will be  subject  to a deten on. We  request parent  support  to making  sure  students have  their  swipe  cards with  them while at  school.   Replacing Swipe Cards  A  card  that  is deemed  to be malfunc oning  (by  the Senior Security Officer) will be  replaced at no  addi onal  cost. Cards  that are damaged by  the  student or  lost will be  replaced at a  cost of $35.  Each  me a  student  receives a new  card, her account will be billed. No markings,  including  drawings or  s ckers,  should appear on  cards. Student photos must be  clearly  visible and  recognizable as  the owner of  the  card.  Athle cs Centre Access  School  sanc oned athle c events are  regularly  scheduled  to occur a er hours. The doors  between  the Upper School Athle c Centre and  school are  locked daily at 4 pm. Faculty,  staff and  students must use  their  swipe  card  to access  the doors between  the Athle c Centre and  the  Upper School.   Guest and Visitor Access  General  visitors must enter  through  the main entrance doors. Upper School Visitors must  sign  in  at  the main Security Desk and wait  in  the Rotunda un l  they are met by  their Havergal  contact,  unless otherwise directed by Security.  Junior School  visitors must  sign  in at  the main office. All  visitors will be  issued a Visitor Pass, which  they must wear and display while on  campus and  return  to  the  front desk. Security will not allow  individuals  into  the  school under authoriza on  from previous  visits. Students must have authoriza on  from a  senior  level administrator  in order  to bring a guest  inside  the  school. This applies  to all  students and  is applicable at all  mes.   Valuables and Personal  Items  Valuables,  including electronics and  significant amounts of  cash,  should not be brought  to  school.  Should  students  choose  to bring  such  items,  they bear  responsibility  for  safekeeping. All  students  are  responsible  for  their personal  items  throughout  the day. Each  student  is assigned a  locker  that  must be  kept  locked at all  mes.  Items  such as backpacks, books and uniform  items  should be  labelled and  stored  in  their  lockers. The  school  cannot assume  responsibility  for  loss or  the . 

Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017  Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18


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