Family Handbook 2017-18

5. where acceptable use of  technology  is at  issue, being  restricted  from access  to  technology  (device and/or network);  6. conference  involving  student,  teacher, parents, and administra on;  7. removal  from  class  for a period of  me; 

8. proba on;  9. deten on; 

10. establishing a behaviour and/or performance agreement  that documents  the  school’s  expecta ons of  the  student,  teachers, and parents  (condi ons may  include withholding  re‐enrollment);  11. formal  suspension  from  school  (condi ons  to  return  to  school will be discussed with  parents and  students); or  12. expulsion.  The  school  reserves  the  right  to expel a  student when  the  con nued a endance of  that  student  would not be  in  the best  interests of  that  student or  the  school. The  school also  reserves  the  right  to expel a  student when her behaviour  is  in breach of  the Havergal College Code of Conduct,  seriously  jeopardizes  the  school’s ability  to guarantee  the dignity and  safety of  its  students and  interferes with  learning or  involves  conduct which has or will have a nega ve  impact on  the  school  climate.  In  these  circumstances,  the  school will make  reasonable efforts  to assist  the  student’s  family  in  securing  suitable alterna ve educa on arrangements.  9. Progressive Discipline  Progressive discipline  is an approach used by  the  school  to deal with  inappropriate  incidents  and/or behaviours.  It makes use of a  con nuum of  interven ons,  supports, and  sanc ons  that  builds upon  strategies  that promote posi ve behaviours. This may  include  reminders,  review of  expecta ons, deten ons,  contact with parents/guardians,  loss of privileges, wri en  reflec on,  conflict media on and  resolu on, behavioral and/or academic agreements,  referral  for  support  services,  suspension, and expulsion.   In general,  the  severity of punishment and  the  steps  taken by  the  school will be  consistent with  the nature and degree of  the misbehaviour  in  rela on  to  the  school’s progressive disciplinary  approach. Each  case will be dealt with  individually. No  two  infrac ons of  the Code of Conduct are  exactly alike, nor are  the needs of offenders necessarily  similar. We  recognize  that each  student  is  a unique  individual and  that every  situa on  that  requires disciplinary ac on has  its own  set of  extenua ng  circumstances, which are duly  considered  in every  case.  

Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017  Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18


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