Family Handbook 2017-18
Students who are found to be be in breach of the Code of Conduct will receive an age and developmentally appropriate consequence. Should a student have a documented psycho‐educa onal assessment, all progressive discipline will be consistent with recommenda ons ar culated in the assessment. It is important to note that in some instances a student’s breach of the Code of Conduct may be serious enough to warrant the school issuing a suspension or expulsion as a direct consequence of the breach. In these cases, the Principal or designate will be informed. 10. Appealing a Decision of Sanc on(s) A student and/or parent may wish to appeal the sanc on(s) related to an alleged breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct. The appeal may be heard by a Vice Principal and/or Principal. The Principal is the final arbitrator in all disciplinary situa ons. Any inten on to appeal must first be received in wri ng by a Vice Principal and/or the Principal within five school days of the original disciplinary decision. Appealing a Suspension Where the sanc on is a suspension, the immediacy of the suspension following an incident requires the suspension to be served by the student while wai ng for the appeal to be heard. A Vice Principal and/or Principal will demonstrate considera on of the circumstances, mi ga ng factors, impact and any statement or submission by the student. A Vice Principal and/or Principal will assess the evidence as provided by the par es and determine whether on a balance of probabili es, it is more probable than not that the student did commit the infrac on. The appeal will result in one of three outcomes: 1. The original sanc on(s) is upheld and documented; 2. The severity of the original sanc on is amended, which confirms that a breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct has occurred and is documented; or 3. The original sanc on(s) is overturned and all records of the alleged incident are expunged. 11. Review The Havergal College Code of Conduct will be reviewed for possible revisions every three years. Havergal College will con nue to solicit input from the Board of Directors, parents, staff and students in the review process.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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