Family Handbook 2017-18


state what  the  student would  like  to happen; and 


be  signed by  the  student.

5. If  the  student  is not  sa sfied with  the  results of  the  ini al  contact or  if  the  harassment  con nues,  the  student may  request  the presence of a  teacher,  guidance  counsellor,  social worker, or Administrator  to assist with  the discussion  so  that  the par es may  focus on  the  issues and work  toward achieving a  sa sfactory  resolu on.  6. The  student may  involve a  trusted adult  in any of  the above  informal process  op ons.  7. If  the harassment  is not  resolved at  the  informal  stage,  the  student may  choose  to  ini ate a  formal  complaint.  A  signed  complaint  should  include  iden fica on of  the  individual(s)  involved  and a  clear descrip on of  the  incident(s) of harassment  including  mes, dates,  places and names of witnesses,  if any.  3. If  the  student  (the  complainant or alleged harasser)  is under 18  years of age,  the  Administrator will no fy  the parent/guardian.  4. Considera on  should be given  to  separa ng  relevant  students and/or  staff while  the  inves ga on  is being  conducted. Such ac on will be  considered on a  case‐by‐case basis  to protect  the  interests of all par es.  5. The  school as directed by  the Principal will promptly  conduct an  inves ga on.  In  some  cases, an external  inves gator may be  retained. The  inves ga on will be  conducted  in a manner  that  is appropriate  in  the  circumstances, and will  generally  include  the  following  steps:  ● The  inves gator  should meet with  the  complainant. During  the  course  of  this  interview  the  inves gator  should  listen  carefully, ask  specific  ques ons  to elicit details, find out about  the nature of  the  rela onship  with  the alleged harasser  (the  “respondent”), ask about witnesses, and  ask what  the  complainant would  like  to have happen.  ● The  inves gator  should meet with  the  respondent. This person  should  be  told  the  iden ty of  the  complainant and presented with  the  The  student/staff who has experienced harassment  (the  “complainant”) will  submit a wri en,  signed  complaint  to an Administrator.   2.

2. Formal Complaint – Harassment by a Student of a Staff Member or Student  1.

allega ons. The  respondent  should be asked  for a  specific  response  to  each allega on,  including  the nature of  rela onship, and whether 

Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017  Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18


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