Family Handbook 2017-18
there were any witnesses. The inves gator should remain neutral and reserve judgment un l all facts have been collected. ● The inves gator should interview each witness men oned by the par es. These witnesses should be interviewed separately. The inves gator should determine whether these individuals were actually present at the me of the alleged behaviour, or whether they simply heard about the incident a erwards. Each witness should be informed of the importance of confiden ality. ● Based on the informa on received, the Principal’s Designate, in consulta on with the school legal counsel, should determine whether or not the incident appears to cons tute harassment, and if so, the appropriate disciplinary ac on to be taken. ● The seriousness of the incident must be determined and appropriate disciplinary ac on taken.
6. To assist in determining the appropriate disciplinary ac on, several factors should be considered: (a) impact of the offence on the complainant; (b) power imbalance between vic m and offender; (c) gravity of offence; (d) offender’s documented history with regard to similar behaviour; and (e) age of the offender and vic m. 7. The complainant, at any stage, may choose to withdraw the complaint. Havergal, however, may s ll be obliged to inves gate. Please note: when students are involved in a sexual harassment complaint, it should be determined by the Principal, or Principal’s Designate, as appropriate, whether or not the incident appears to cons tute sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual abuse. If there is a suspicion of sexual assault or sexual abuse, based on the informa on received, then any applicable procedures required by law procedures for inves ga on of sexual abuse or sexual assault should be followed. Appeal Process The decision may be appealed by the complainant or respondent in wri ng to the Principal within seven (7) working days of receipt of the decision. The Principal will receive the material and refer the ma er to the Chair of the Board of Governors for review. The Chair will review the decision and make a determina on in this ma er. The Chair will make the final determina on in the
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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