Family Handbook 2017-18
ma er within 15 working days, absent excep onal circumstances necessita ng a longer review period.
Correc ve Ac ons If the complaint has been substan ated, the seriousness of the occurrence will determine the school’s disciplinary response. Responses may include, but not be limited to: (a) inform the parent/guardian of a student’s behaviour and the corresponding consequences; (b) temporarily remove privileges (i.e. recess, lunchroom/cafeteria, school ac vi es); (c) refer to counselling and/or guidance interven on; (d) suspend the student; and/or (e) involve the police where a criminal offence may have occurred. The complainant will be informed in wri ng by the school of the outcome of inves ga on and correc ve ac on that has been taken and asked to report any further incidents of harassment or reprisal. In order to prevent a reoccurrence of harassment, the respondent’s conduct will be monitored by the Principal’s Designate. School Rela onship At the conclusion of an inves ga on involving students, considera on should be given to encourage the students to work out their rela onship with each other. The school may appoint an adult or peer mediator/facilitator to assist in helping the par es reach a resolu on. In circumstances where a complaint has been substan ated, the onus is on the school to consider first and foremost the impact on the complainant.
Formal Complaint Student Harassed by a Staff Member or Volunteer 1.
The student will submit a wri en complaint to the VP School Life & Opera ons/Designate. A signed, wri en complaint should include iden fica on of the individual(s) involved and a clear descrip on of the incident(s) of harassment including mes, dates, places and names of witnesses, if any. Where the VP School Life & Opera ons is the alleged harasser, the wri en complaint should be forwarded to the Principal of the School.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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