Family Handbook 2017-18
2. Students may obtain the assistance of a trusted adult, such as a parent/guardian, teacher, guidance counsellor, social worker, other support staff, the VP School Life & Opera ons/Designate or Principal in the prepara on of a wri en complaint. 3. If the student is under 18 years of age, the VP School Life & Opera ons/Designate or Principal will no fy the parent/guardian. 4. A signed wri en complaint will include: (a) Iden fica on of the individual(s) involved and a clear descrip on of the incident(s) of harassment including mes, dates, places and names of witnesses, if any. 5. The Principal/Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons, or designate, as the case may be, shall confirm in wri ng to the complainant receipt of the complaint within seven (7) working days. A er receiving the complaint, the Principal/Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons, or designate will appoint an appropriate Designate to manage the complaint and carry out the complaint process. 6. Before forwarding the complaint to the individual alleged to have engaged in harassment, the VP School Life & Opera ons/Designate or Principal, as the case may be, shall first meet with the complainant. 7. The VP School Life & Opera ons/Designate or Principal’s Designate will forward a copy of the complaint, to the respondent within seven (7) working days of receipt of the complaint. 8. The Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons/Principal’s Designate will discuss the complaint separately within the two par es and, on their recommenda on, may consult with others who are in a posi on to provide relevant informa on. In conduc ng an inves ga on, the VP School Life & Opera ons /Principal’s Designate will ensure that the following steps are taken: (a) appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the complainant; (b) interview the complainant(s) and/or the third party repor ng the complaint; (c) inform the respondent(s) of the allega ons and provide an opportunity for a response; (d) interview witness(es); (e) come to a conclusion about whether a specific incident did or did not occur based on a balance of probabili es; and (f) take appropriate ac on to resolve the situa on. 9. A third party inves gator may be retained by Havergal to conduct an inves ga on in appropriate circumstances. 10. If considered appropriate by the VP School Life & Opera ons/Principal’s Designate and/or the par es, the VP School Life & Opera ons/Principal’s Designate will prepare a wri en
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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