Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
Havergal's course calendar for Upper School students for the 2021-22 academic year.
Upper School Course Calendar 2021–22 Academic Year
Table of Contents
The Havergal Education
1 3 4 7
School Structure and Organization
Havergal College Directory
School Policies
Academic Information
20 30
Description of School Services
Diploma and Certificate Requirements and Related Procedures
35 45 46 48 50
Curriculum Information Course Selection Process
e-Learning Consortium Canada
Independent Study
Private Study 50 THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Arts 53 Dramatic Arts 54 Music 55 Music: Band 57 Music: Guitar 57 Music: Strings 58 Music: Vocal 59 Visual Arts 60 Business Studies 62 English 64 Guidance and Career Education 67 Health and Physical Education 68 Interdisciplinary Studies 71 Languages 73 French 74 Classical Languages: Latin 76 International Languages: Mandarin 77 International Languages: Spanish 79 Mathematics 80 Religious Education 84 Science 85 Social Sciences 89 Canadian and World Studies 91 Social Sciences and Humanities 94 Technological Education 96 COURSES AT A GLANCE . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Student Portal: community.havergal.on.ca Veracross (MyHavergal): portals.veracross.com/hc/login
The Havergal Education
Havergal College
Enduring Values Integrity – Honesty, dignity, responsibility and respect for others guide our actions. Self-respect is a key, allowing authenticity and the ability to be true to oneself. Inquiry – Exploring, questioning and discovering guide our path of learning. Compassion – We believe that kindness and caring are part of who we are and guide what we should do. A common humanity lies at the heart of our school. Courage – We are not afraid to question the status quo and be bold and tenacious in our pursuits and values.
A Havergal education provides an exceptional educational opportunity. It sets the stage for future success and lays the foundation for a lifetime of discovery and learning. Our students are taught how to think, learn and question. Most importantly, Havergal students discover themselves and the possibilities in the world around them.
Our Mission
Havergal’s mission is to prepare young women to make a difference. This means an education that provides opportunities for students to embark on a path of collaborative discovery and:
• find and pursue their passions; • engage in the world;
Diversity Statement
• develop their courage, creativity and leadership; • become prepared for thoughtful engagement in their communities; and
Havergal will foster understanding and respect about the difference in race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. These terms shall have the meaning accorded to them under the Ontario Human Rights Code (taken from the Havergal College Harassment Policy).
• develop the capacity to question with rigour and accuracy. The hallmarks of a Havergal education are enriched, broad-based educational programs and rigorous academic standards, a stimulating and supportive learning environment and a strong community that fosters the qualities of leadership, good citizenship and integrity. These pillars of excellence prepare our graduates to be leaders of the future and have positioned Havergal at the forefront of women’s education for more than 100 years.
The Havergal Education
An independent day and boarding school dedicated to the education of young women, Havergal addresses educational needs by creating a learning environment that encourages girls to respond with vigour and imagination to their world. A Havergal education means superb quality in teaching; it means learning and living the principles upon which a civil and compassionate society are built; and it means developing lifelong friendships with people across the globe. Expansive in scope and content, Havergal’s liberal arts education encourages students to: • think critically, independently and creatively; • experience and understand a complex, interconnected world; • recognize how important an understanding of the past is to exploring possibilities for the future; • seek and achieve balance and wellbeing; • discover the excitement of learning; • develop their powers of curiosity, reasoning, imagination and expression; • assess the cultural, artistic, scientific and moral developments of humankind; • take an active role in changing society as intelligent, informed and responsible global citizens;
Havergal’s Vision
Exceptional schools are guided and fortified by inspiring values and a compelling vision. The values of integrity, inquiry, compassion and courage give direction to all our work, but also identify us as a community that strives for excellence and that incorporates the most promising of the new while building on the richness of the past. Havergal’s vision is to be a dynamic global leader inspiring the pursuit of wisdom and self-knowledge. A focus on our values makes us aware of the larger purposes that animate our daily life and work together. Our Strategic Direction, Havergal 2020+, Future-Proofing the Next Generation , is an agile and dynamic expression of our aspiration to provide leading and contemporary programs. This vision focuses not only on preparing students for the future, but it is also founded on the belief that our graduates—the heart of our plan—create the future. Our direction will build opportunities for students to develop agency, extend community connections and invest in the talent and passion of our people.
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• cultivate and leverage the skills required to meet challenges, achieve goals and bounce back from setbacks and disappointments; and • enjoy physical and mental wellbeing through exercise, reflection, activity and life-work balance. Havergal students benefit from the many opportunities available to them to pursue their individual skills, interests, talents and abilities. The school aims to develop the primary virtues of a democratic society: compassion and concern for others, tolerance for different points of view and an active sense of public spirit and service. Our commitment to our students is honoured in several important ways. Havergal students learn in an environment designed to bring out their best in thought, word and deed. In ways large and small, faculty and staff are focused on our students’ wellbeing: they work to help students understand the transitions in their lives, to make purposeful choices and to take reasoned action. Havergal is a place where we appreciate the importance of celebrating creativity and imagination and recognize and respect the capabilities of others. Because moral and spiritual growth are as important as intellectual development, Havergal’s values—integrity, inquiry, compassion and courage—infuse all aspects of school life. While our Anglican affiliation provides the underpinning for our spiritual life as a school, Havergal is a multi-faith community where consideration and understanding of other religious traditions are fostered. Havergal recognizes the importance and value of completing a secondary education and is committed to reaching each of our students to help them achieve a successful outcome from their time at the school. All students are required to remain in school until age 18 or have obtained an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. [(Learning to Age 18) S.D 2006 C2B-Bill52] A rigorous academic curriculum, exceptional programs in the performing and fine arts and athletics, an active life outside the classroom, engagement with communities beyond the school and a thriving spiritual life differentiate Havergal. So, too, does the beautiful 22-acre campus with its wooded spaces, green playing fields and both heritage and contemporary architecture. Our graduates have gone on to an extraordinary array of achievements, often being pioneers in arenas where women have been under- represented. In the arts as authors, ballet dancers, musicians and painters; in the public arena as elected leaders, public policy makers and journalists; in sports as world-class athletes—gymnasts, hockey players and golfers; and in professions such as physicians, engineers, lawyers and bankers. But, most importantly, our graduates leave equipped to navigate life’s journey knowing that they will face challenges and choices. There is more to being a Havergal graduate than having received an exceptional education. Those whose lives have been touched by Havergal—as students and their families, teachers or administrators— have an abiding affection for this school. No matter where they are or what they are doing, our students have bonds with faculty, classmates, Old Girls and mentors that last a lifetime. The lessons and values they learn infuse their rich and thoughtful lives. The Havergal Experience
Havergal’s Strengths
Havergal College prepares young women to make a difference in their chosen pursuits by enabling each student to develop her full intellectual, creative, spiritual and physical potential. In the 21st century—an age of instant and global communication— young women must think critically and creatively, make thoughtful and logical decisions, facilitate change and solve problems. They must be willing to stand by their own decisions and stand up for others. They must have strong personal values. They must be innovative and persistent, respect differences and be willing to explore opportunities for learning at every stage of life. At Havergal, we prepare young women to succeed in the 21st century.
Key Themes
Havergal is committed to: • community connectedness and spirit; • breadth of opportunity and support; • inspirational faculty and staff;
• commitment to citizenship and partnership; and • space and opportunity for personal reflection.
Our Community
Havergal is distinguished by its people and by a reputation built on commitment, integrity and constancy of purpose. • Havergal students are talented, spirited and focused; they seek and value the learning experiences that will support others and better themselves. • Our teachers are skilled in their practice, dedicated and nurturing; they are passionate about their roles in education and in guiding young women. • Parents and Old Girls actively maintain their connections to the school; they are committed to its mission and time-honoured traditions.
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School Structure and Organization
The SLT is comprised of the following members:
School Leadership
Principal Catherine Misson
Governance The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall stewardship of Havergal College. The Board sets broad policy directions through strategic planning and goal setting and ensures the financial stability of the school. The Board is responsible for appointing the Principal to whom it delegates authority over the administration of the school and matters of curriculum and staffing. In keeping with membership requirements of the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), the Board oversees the school and remains at arm’s length from the administration. Senior Leadership Team (SLT) The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) oversees all aspects of the school. This team is led by the Principal and made up of individuals with responsibilities for Academics (curricular and co-curricular program), Admissions, Advancement, Community Relations, Communications, Marketing, Facilities, Finance, School Life, Operations, Safety, Student Wellbeing, Boarding, Human Resources and Information Technology.
Associate Head, Head of Senior School Lindsay Norberg Vice Principal Teaching & Learning Seonaid Davis Vice Principal Strategic Innovation and Design Garth Nichols
Head, Junior School (JK–6) Kate White Chief Operations Officer Laura Sims Chief Human Resources Officer Sharon Jobity
Chief Information Officer Sam Chan
Executive Director of Enrolment Management Maggie Houston-White Executive Director of Communications & Marketing Antonietta Mirabelli Executive Director of Advancement & Community Relations Tony di Cosmo
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Havergal College Directory
Upper School & Boarding School 1451 Avenue Rd., Toronto, ON, M5N 2H9
Main Telephone
416.483.3519 416.482.4723
Day School Office (DSO)
Upper School Department Heads Visual Art
Mishka Sawka Jennifer Goldberg Heather Johnstone
6641 7676 6614 7735 6009 6616 6690 6628 7692 7594 7528 7811 7518 6932 6614 6653 4711
English and Drama
Health & Physical Education
Kari Macer
Aline Kabakian Tony Nardi Alex Shum Jessica Lloyd Eli Javasky Adam Pounder
Library Information Centre
Science (Interim) Social Sciences
Guidance Department Guidance Counsellor (Grades 7 and 8)
• For students in: AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF • For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW • For students in: AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF • For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW • For students in: AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF • For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW
Carrie Steele Farisa Santos Lori Buchanan Kirsten Uhre
Guidance Counsellor (Grades 9 & 10)
Guidance Counsellor (Grades 11 & 12)
Heather Johnstone Jennifer Mandala Cathy Atkinson
Administrative Assistant, Guidance
Learning Support Specialists Middle School (Grades 7 and 8)
• For students in: AH, EK, KL, MD, MDF • For students in: CS, EN, FR, MT, MW
Carrie Steele Farisa Santos Nicole Klement
7528 7811 7529
Senior School (Grades 9–12)
4 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
Parent-Teacher Conferences Two parent-teacher conferences are scheduled during the school year. During conferences, parents and teachers discuss the academic progress of your daughter(s). Parents are welcome to schedule meetings with teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Learning Support Specialists and/or administrators at other times, as needed throughout the year. Report Cards Written reports at Havergal take two forms: a Full Report and an Update Report. Full Report The purpose of a Full Report is to communicate your daughter’s progress in terms of her academic achievement as well as demonstrated learning skills and work habits to that point in time. You can expect to read subject-specific comments from each teacher that contextualize your daughter’s standing. Update Report The purpose of an Update Report is to provide parents with a snapshot of a student’s academic achievement in each subject as well as indicating a student’s demonstrated learning skills and work habits to that point in time. Teachers are not required to write comments on Update Reports. However, depending on the circumstances, comments may be written to expand upon the learning skills descriptions or provide more context for the current academic standing noted on the report. Learning Skills and Habits : Teachers assess six learning skills and work habits on an ongoing basis and collect evidence that will allow them to indicate the consistency with which a student demonstrates them in class. These are noted on both Update and Full Report Cards. Targeting specific learning skills and work habits as areas for improvement will positively impact your daughter’s academic success. Grades: Report card grades are determined by examining all of a student’s assessment data to date, looking at the most consistent level of performance with more focus on more recent evidence. The assessment picture usually changes throughout the year as students have more assessments and the pattern in their understanding becomes clearer. More detailed information on assessment is outlined in the section on Assessment Practices.
Academic Timetable
To be determined post COVID-19.
Report Cards and Parent Communication
The school communicates with parents through face-to-face meetings and three report cards. The parent communications include: • Upper School People and Program Nights; • Parent Teacher Conferences; • Progress Report (marks and learning skills); and • Full Report Cards (marks, learning skills and written comments). All final marks for credit courses are recorded on the Ontario Student Transcript and recorded in ON-SIS. (OS 4.1.2) Transcripts may be requested by students through their Guidance Counsellors. Importance of Parent Communication Establishing and keeping open lines of communication between the school and home is essential to the maintenance of an excellent learning environment and promoting wellbeing in our students. For academic issues, parents are encouraged to meet directly with their daughters’ teachers whenever there is a question, concern or commendation. Teachers will reach out to parents by phone and email to do the same, as needed throughout the year. In general, parents should never be surprised about their daughter’s academic progress in any subject. In most instances, you can expect your call or email to be returned within 24 hours on a weekday. However, some issues or concerns may require several contacts to be resolved satisfactorily. Additionally, parents (and students) who email teachers on the weekends, school holidays or at unreasonably late (or early) times during the day should not expect to receive an immediate reply. People and Program Evenings The People and Program Evenings provide parents with opportunities to learn about the academic program, teacher expectations and classroom routines that your daughter will experience during the school year. It is a time for parents to meet their daughter’s teachers.
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Honours and Distinction Grades 9-11 Honours are achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 80-89.4% based on her six best courses. Distinction is achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 89.5% and better based on her six best courses. Grade 12 Honours are achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 80–89.4% based on her five best courses. Distinction is achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 89.5% based on her five best courses. Course Selection Information Evening In January, parents of Upper School students in Grades 8 to 11 are invited to attend a Course Selection Information Evening. These evenings are hosted by the Guidance Department and Upper School administrators and are intended to assist parents in understanding the many course options and support available to students in choosing a path that is right for each girl. Students and parents can contact their Guidance Counsellors to ask specific questions. It is important that students choose courses wisely, checking for prerequisites and considering their future paths. Parents are asked to check their daughter’s course selection and sign their course selection sheet to acknowledge that the course load is appropriate and they approve of the courses. The school timetable is created based on student course requests. Students who wish to make changes to their course selection after they have handed in their course selection sheet must do so before the timetable is set. If students change their course selection after the timetable has been created, there is no guarantee that it will be possible to make those changes.
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School Policies
Standards of Behaviour By enrolling in the College, students automatically assume the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct. Central to the Code of Conduct is the understanding that each student will follow certain standards of behaviour. Self-discipline and a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions and conduct are fundamental to the Code of Conduct. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, age, marital status, family status, or disability. The College recognizes that inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour towards another member of the community requires a serious response. Respect, Civility and Responsible Citizenship All members of the College community should: • respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws; • respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability; • respect the rights and privacy of others; • show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others; • take appropriate measures to help those in need; • seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully; • respect all members of the school community, especially persons in positions of authority; • respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching; and • not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority. Safety All members of the College community should not: • engage in bullying behaviours; • commit physical or sexual harassment and/or assault; • traffic in weapons or illegal drugs; • give alcohol or cannabis to a minor; • commit robbery; • be in possession of, or traffic in, weapons; • use any object to threaten, intimidate or cause injury to another person; • cause injury to any person with an object; • be in possession of, or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis (unless the individual has been authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes), and illegal drugs; • comply with the Code of Conduct; • demonstrate honesty and integrity; • respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions; • treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement;
Havergal College Code of Conduct (OS 1 1 6)
1 Rationale Havergal College (the “College”)’s philosophy is to focus on developing a love of learning while guiding and challenging every student at all stages of learning. The College is dedicated to the education of students in a safe and caring community that fosters the development of character, courage, creativity and a passion for learning. All students, parents, faculty and staff members have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in the College community. With this right comes the responsibility to contribute to a positive school climate. The promotion of strategies and initiatives, such as character development, along with the employment of prevention and intervention strategies to address inappropriate behaviour, fosters a positive College climate that supports academic achievement for all students. Responsible citizenship involves appropriate participation in the civic life of the College community. Active and engaged citizens are aware of their rights, but more importantly, they accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others. These standards of behaviour apply not only to students, but also to all individuals involved in the College community – parents, volunteers, teachers, and other staff members – whether they are on College property or at College-related events or activities or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the College climate. For all purposes of this Code of Conduct, reference to parents includes, where applicable, custodial and non-custodial parents and/ or guardians; reference to the College community includes students, teachers, parents and guardians, administration, and volunteers. The enforcement of the Code of Conduct and the imposition of disciplinary actions are the responsibility of the Principal who will consult with students, employees, parents and others as deemed appropriate. All members of the College community must agree to comply with the Havergal College Code of Conduct. 2 Objective Purpose of the Code • To ensure that all members of the College community, are treated with respect and dignity. • To promote responsible citizenship by encouraging appropriate participation in the civic life of the College community. • To maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility. • To encourage the use of non-violent means to resolve conflict. • To promote the safety of people in the College. • To discourage the use of alcohol, illegal drugs and, except by a medical cannabis user, cannabis. • To prevent bullying in the College.
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3 Roles and Responsibilities The Code of Conduct recognizes that all members of the College community, including the Principal, employees, students and parents have an obligation to comply with the standards of behaviour outlined in this policy. Havergal College The College will provide direction to promote student achievement and wellbeing and to ensure accountability in the College. It is the responsibility of the College to: • develop policies, protocols and programs that enable the school to implement and enforce its Code of Conduct and other rules that promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship and the safety and wellbeing of others; • review and revise policies, protocols, and programs; • seek input from the Board of Directors, students, parents, employees and the College community; • establish a process that clearly communicates the Code of Conduct to all students, parents, faculty, staff and members of the College community in order to obtain their commitment and support; • develop effective intervention strategies and respond to all infractions related to the Code of Conduct; and • provide opportunities for all College employees to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to develop and maintain safe environments for students. The Principal The Principal takes a leadership role in the daily operation of the College. The Principal will provide this leadership by: • demonstrating care for the College community and a commitment to excellence in safe, inclusive and positive learning environments; • holding everyone under their authority accountable for their behaviour and actions; • empowering students to be positive leaders in the College and community; • communicating regularly and meaningfully with the College community; and • providing an example of respect and civility for the College community. Employees Under the leadership of the Principal, employees are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As role models, employees uphold these high standards when they: • help students work to their full potential and develop their sense of self-worth; • empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, College and community; • communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents; • maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students; • demonstrate respect for all students, parents, employees, volunteers and the members of the College community; and • prepare students for the full responsibility of citizenship.
• provide others with alcohol, illegal drugs, or cannabis (unless the recipient is an individual who has been authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes); • inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person; • engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias; • commit an act of vandalism that causes damage to school property or to property located on the premises of the school; • be in possession of cigarettes of e-cigarettes/vape; and • be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Inappropriate Behaviour Examples of inappropriate behaviour include, but are not limited to: • academic dishonesty; • uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person; • swearing at a teacher or other person in authority; • committing an act of vandalism causing damage to school property or property located on college premises; • bullying, intimidating or threatening another person; • fighting; • using a weapon to cause or threaten bodily harm to another person; • committing physical assault on another person; • committing sexual assault; • trafficking in weapons, cannabis, or illegal drugs; • harassment of any kind; • distributing hate material; • inappropriate use of electronic communications/media; including accessing inappropriate materials on the internet; posting or texting offensive, derogatory and/or degrading comments or images on personal or commercial websites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, www.ratemyteachers.com and similar sites); • unexcused absence from college activities; and • conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school or to the physical or mental wellbeing of others. The Importance of Speaking Up Havergal College is committed to providing a healthy College environment that is nurturing, caring and respectful of everyone. If a student has been bullied, intimidated or threatened, they need to confide in an adult at the College. If a student witnesses an act of peer bullying, intimidation or threats, they are a bystander and as such are expected to take steps to help. If the College is not aware of an incident, it cannot act. Bystanders who witness others being bullied, intimidated and threatened—and choose not to act responsibly—are complicit in the hurtful behaviour. At the College, it is important for people to speak up against intolerance, bigotry, ignorance and willfully hurtful behaviour. All community members are expected to uphold the College’s core values by demonstrating integrity, inquiry, compassion and courage.
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4 Procedures Failure to Comply with the Havergal College Code of Conduct All members of the College community are responsible for observing both the letter and the spirit of the Code of Conduct. The College reserves its right to apply a full range of sanctions to any offence committed by a student, or any member of the Havergal College community. Progressive Discipline Policy establishes the framework to build, support and maintain a positive College climate promoting positive student behaviour. The Investigation and Intervention Procedure outlines the steps that the College will take when there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct or relevant policies. Review The Code of Conduct will be reviewed for possible revisions every two years. Havergal College will continue to solicit input from the Board of Directors, parents, employees and students in the review process. 5 Resources Related Policies, Protocols and Supporting Documentation • Acceptable Use of Technology • Academic Honesty • Parent Concern Policy • Family Handbook • Harassment Policy • Media Consent • Policy on Reporting Abuse and Neglect of Students • Restrictions on Cannabis Policy • Failure to Comply with the Code of Conduct • Programs for Students on Long-Term Suspensions and Expulsions • Social Media Policy • Video Surveillance Policy
Employees shall also assist the Principal in maintaining close cooperation with the College community and establishing and maintaining consistent disciplinary practices in the College. In addition, employees will assist the Principal by reporting incidents and assisting the Principal in conducting an investigation. Students Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student: • comes to the College prepared, appropriately dressed, on time and ready to learn; • adhere to College uniform or dress code rules; • shows respect for herself, her peers and all members of the College community; • refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety and wellbeing of others; and • complies with all published College rules, codes of conduct, agreements, policies and frameworks. Parents and Guardians Parents and Guardians play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of College employees in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents and Guardians fulfill their role when they: • are engaged in their child’s College programs and progress; • communicate regularly and respectfully with the College; • help their child be appropriately dressed and prepared for school; • ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time; • promptly report to the College their child’s absence or late arrival; • become familiar with the College rules and the College’s Code of Conduct; • encourage and assist their child in following the Code of Conduct and school rules; and • assist and support College staff in addressing disciplinary issues involving their child.
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Children who suffer prolonged victimization through bullying, as well as children who use power and aggression as bullies, may experience a range of psycho-social problems that may extend into adolescence and adulthood.
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy (OS 1 1 8)
1 Purpose To promote the mission of Havergal College (the “College”) and to provide a framework to support and maintain a positive College climate. 2 Policy The College believes that all students should feel safe and deserve a positive climate that is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. The College also believes that a healthy, safe and inclusive learning environment where all students feel accepted is a necessary condition for student success. The College understands that students cannot be expected to reach their full potential in an environment where they feel insecure or intimidated. The College recognizes that a whole-College approach is required, and that everyone—educators, College employees, parents, students and the wider community—has a role to play in creating a positive College climate and preventing inappropriate behaviour such as bullying, sexual assault, gender-based violence and incidents. The College acknowledges that an open and ongoing dialogue among the Principal, employees, parents and students is an important component of creating a positive College climate in which everyone feels safe and respected. Bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated at the College. This Policy applies to all members of the College community, including students, employees, and anyone who performs duties, either on a paid or volunteer basis, or on a full-time or part-time basis for the College. This Policy must be read in conjunction with all other applicable College policies and procedures, including the Code of Conduct and Progressive Discipline Policy. The College recognizes that bullying: • adversely affects students’ ability to learn; • adversely affects the College climate, including healthy relationships; • adversely affects the College’s ability to educate its students; and • will not be accepted on College property, at College‑related activities, on College buses, or in any other circumstances (e.g. online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on the College climate. Aggressive behaviour may be intentional or unintentional, direct or indirect. It can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and social. “Aggressive behaviour” is a behaviour “by degree”—that is, it is impactful either because it is a repeated pattern of behaviour or it is a singular action that has substantial impact.
3 Procedures Prevention, Intervention and Support Strategies Prevention and Awareness Raising
All employees of the College must take seriously all allegations of bullying behaviour and act in a timely, sensitive, and supportive manner when responding to students who disclose or report bullying incidents. College employees who work directly with students must respond to any student behaviour that is likely to have a negative impact on the College climate—if in the employee’s opinion, it is safe to respond to the behaviour. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated at the College. Reports of circumstances or actions that represent bullying or may constitute bullying will be addressed in an age-appropriate manner in accordance with the circumstances of each individual case. All students and other members of the College community are encouraged to report any incidences of bullying, physical aggression, intimidation, or threats, including suspected incidents and related conduct, to a staff member. The staff member will be responsible to ensure that the College’s policy and procedures are followed. The College will put in place procedures: • to support students to report bullying incidents in a safe and welcoming environment, and in a way that will minimize the possibility of reprisal; • that encourage parents and other persons, including teachers, coaches and employees, to report incidents of bullying, and will facilitate such reporting; and • to appropriately escalate through informal and formal interventions, including in those instances when reporting to the police is required. The College will provide programs, intervention and other resources and supports (including professional assistance) for students who have been bullied, students who have witnessed incidents of bullying, and students who have engaged in bullying. The College’s bullying prevention and intervention strategy will include ongoing effective, interactive education for all students, on at least an annual basis. Teaching and Training Strategies The College, through active and passive supervision, strives to create learning environments that inhibit bullying behaviours. The College develops in students an understanding of bullying, the various forms it may take, the roles individuals may play in bullying behaviour, how to identify, address and prevent bullying behaviour, and the people to seek out to discuss or report incidences of bullying in our community. The College will put in place training strategies on bullying prevention and intervention for all administrators, employees, including training on cultural sensitivity, respect for diversity and special education needs.
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The College may also make training available to other adults who have significant contact with students (e.g., volunteers), and will recognize the ongoing need to support training for new teachers. Communication Strategies The College will actively communicate its policies and procedures on bullying prevention and intervention, as well as the definition of bullying, to students, parents, teachers and other College staff and volunteers. The College will provide assistance to parents whose children have been bullied, witnessed bullying, have engaged in bullying, and to parents who are concerned about bullying, such as workshops and curated resources on bullying. Progressive Discipline Intervention and support in response to bullying behaviour should be consistent with a progressive discipline approach. The strategies could range from early interventions to more intensive interventions in cases of persistent bullying, with possible referral to community or social service agencies. Ongoing intervention and support may be necessary to sustain and promote positive student behaviour. For a student with special education needs, interventions, supports, and consequences will be consistent with the student’s strengths, needs, goals, and expectations. Monitoring and Review The College will monitor and review the effectiveness of its bullying prevention and intervention policies and procedures, through regular student climate surveys and reference groups, cyclical parents surveys, and consultation with Faculty and Staff. This Policy will be reviewed on a two year cycle and in response to any amendments to Ministerial requirements. The College is committed to the sustainability of its bullying prevention and intervention strategy and related programming and resources. 4 Definitions Bullying can happen in many different ways. A person who bullies harms someone else repeatedly and unfairly and has some advantage over the person who is being bullied. Bullying intervention is a comprehensive response to the bullying incident that takes into consideration all parties involved in the bullying incident. It aims to provide specific supports for the student who has been bullied, intervention for the student who was bullying, and strategies for responding to students who were directly observing the bullying incident. Bullying prevention refers to a whole-College approach that heightens expectations for a safe, caring and inclusive College climate. It includes a shared understanding about the nature and underlying causes of bullying and its effects on students and the College community. Harm includes harm that can be experienced in a number of ways, including physical, mental, emotional, and psychological. Positive College climate is a crucial component of prevention; it is defined by the quality of inter personal relationships within the College. When these relationships are founded on mutual respect and inclusion,
a culture of respect develops. A positive College climate exists when members of the College community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted and actively promote positive behaviours and interactions. In the Education Act , bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a student where: • the behaviour is intended by the student to have the effect of, or the student ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to have the effect of: i. causing harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual’s reputation or harm to the individual’s property; or ii. creating a negative environment at the College for another individual, and • the behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the student and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education. i. This behaviour may include the use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means. This includes cyberbullying.
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Intervention aim to provide students with appropriate supports that address inappropriate behaviour and that would result in an improved College climate. For example, early interventions may include, but are not limited to the following: • consultation with parents; • verbal reminders; • review of expectations; and/or • a written work assignment with a learning component that requires reflection. Where inappropriate behaviour persists, ongoing interventions may be necessary to sustain and promote positive student behaviour and/or address underlying causes of inappropriate behaviour. For example, ongoing interventions may include, but are not limited to the following: • meeting with appropriate person(s) (such as peers, faculty, administrators); • contact with the parent(s) of the student involved; • removal from a College activity or special program to complete work or a special assignment designated by the teacher; • establishing a behaviour and/or performance agreement that documents the College’s expectations of the student (conditions may include withholding re-enrolment); • formal suspension from school (conditions to return to the College will be discussed with parents and students) or expulsion. It is important to note that in some instances a student’s breach of the Code of Conduct may be serious enough to warrant the College issuing a suspension or expulsion as a direct consequence of the breach. In these cases, the Principal will be informed. In considering the most appropriate response to address inappropriate behaviour, the following should be taken into consideration: • the age of the student and their ability to fully understand the breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; • the intention of the student; • the particular circumstances, including any previous documented breaches of the Havergal College Code of Conduct; • the nature and severity of the behaviour; and • the impact on the College climate, including the impact on students or other individuals in the Havergal College community. Responding To Incidents The purpose of responding to incidents of inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour is to stop and correct such behaviour immediately so that students can learn that it is unacceptable. College employees who work directly with students, including administrators, teachers and non-teaching staff, must respond to any student behaviour that is likely to have a negative impact on the College climate. Such behaviour includes all inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour at any time at school and at any College-related event if, in the employee’s opinion, it is safe to respond to it. Responding may include asking a student to stop the inappropriate behaviour; naming the type of behaviour and explaining why it is inappropriate and/or disrespectful; and asking the student to correct
Progressive Discipline Policy (OS 1 1 7)
1 Purpose To establish a framework to build, support and maintain a positive school climate that focuses on progressive discipline and promotes positive student behaviour. 2 Policy Havergal College (the “College”) recognizes the following: • The goal of the policy is to support a safe, inclusive, and accepting learning and teaching environment in which students can reach their full potential. • Inappropriate student behaviour, including bullying, must be addressed. • Behaviours that are contrary to the College’s Code of Conduct will be dealt with in a developmentally appropriate manner. • Progressive discipline is an approach that makes use of a continuum of prevention programs, interventions, supports, and consequences, building upon strategies that build skills for healthy relationships and promote positive behaviours. • The range of interventions, supports, and consequences used by the College must be clear and developmentally appropriate, and must include learning opportunities for students in order to reinforce positive behaviours and help students make good choices. • The context and situation of behaviours and consequent College response will be considered and reflected upon as part of both process and ongoing development of this Policy. In order to promote a positive school climate, the College provides opportunities for all members of the College community to increase their knowledge and understanding of such issues as bullying, violence, inappropriate sexual behaviour, bias, stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice, and hate, critical media literacy, and safe Internet use. Progressive Discipline Framework A progressive discipline approach promotes positive student behaviour through strategies that include prevention programs and early and ongoing interventions and supports, that are developmentally appropriate. Ultimately, behaviours that are contrary to the College’s Code of Conduct will be reported to the appropriate Head of School, Associate Head and when the breach is deemed serious, to the Principal. The College will actively engage parents in the progressive discipline approach. The College will focus on prevention and early intervention as the key to maintaining a positive school environment in which students can learn. Early and Ongoing Intervention Strategies Early and ongoing intervention strategies will help prevent unsafe or inappropriate behaviours at the College and in College‑related activities. 3 Procedures Prevention and Awareness Raising
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the behaviour. By responding in this way, employees immediately address inappropriate student behaviour that may have a negative impact on the College climate. Reporting Behaviour Incidents The purpose of reporting incidents of inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour is to ensure that the appropriate Head of School, Associate Head, and, in serious instances, the Principal, is aware of activities taking place in the College for which student discipline must be taken. A College employee who becomes aware that a student may have engaged in an activity for which student discipline must be considered, will report the matter to the appropriate Head of School as soon as reasonably possible. In cases where an immediate action is required, a verbal report to the Associate Head may be made. A written report may be made at an appropriate time. Training Strategy for Administrators, Teachers and College Staff The College will put in place a training strategy for employees and administrators regarding the College’s Progressive Discipline Policy. The training will address the commitment to build a supportive learning environment through appropriate interactions between members of the College community. The College will support ongoing training for employees through induction and ongoing education programs to create and sustain a safe teaching and learning environment. Communication Strategy For a progressive discipline approach to be effective, it is important that the College community understands and supports the progressive discipline approach. The College will actively communicate policies and procedures to students, parents, and employees. 4 Definitions Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour, building upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures are applied within a framework that is both corrective and supportive. Progressive discipline is a process designed to create the expectation that the degree of discipline will be in proportion to the severity of the behaviour, and takes into account the previous disciplinary history of the student and all other relevant factors. Progressive discipline must take into account the needs of individual students by showing sensitivity to diversity, to cultural needs and to special education needs.
Academic Honesty and Integrity
Philosophy of Academic Honesty and Integrity When students exhibit academic honesty, their learning and achievements can be assessed fairly and accurately, and the integrity and ethical conduct of the academic community is maintained. Academic honesty means presenting their own learning, knowledge and skills while also properly acknowledging their use of all forms of intellectual and creative expression and contributions of others. Academic dishonesty is a type of fraud (an attempt to deceive) and can take several forms. It is a serious offence in all educational institutions and elsewhere in society. It may carry severe penalties, ranging from receiving zero on an assessment or test, to failure in a course or even to expulsion from school. Some common forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: Cheating: Cheating is gaining an unfair advantage during tests and exams by bringing and consulting with unauthorized material or an unauthorized device during the testing period or by communicating with another student during or after the test to gain an unfair advantage. Cheating also occurs when students copy the work of others and submit it as their own. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using the ideas or expressions of others in submitted work without acknowledging the source, thereby fraudulently presenting other people’s ideas as one’s own. Plagiarism constitutes intellectual theft. While completing academic work, it can become easy to plagiarize even if students do not intend to. It is important that students become knowledgeable of the many forms of plagiarism. Teachers will review proper documentation of sources with students. Self-plagiarism: In an academic environment, it is the expectation that all course material students create is original work. Therefore, it is considered plagiarism when students submit assessments completed and graded for other courses. A student who would like to rework a paper submitted for another course must ask permission to do so. Roles and Responsibilities in Building Understanding and Maintaining Academic Honesty Faculty will: 1. provide the particular requirements for the course and assessments with specific emphasis on using different sources of information; 2. instruct students and provide practice in different ways of correctly incorporating information from various sources without plagiarizing; 3. ensure acknowledgement of sources of materials for class use; and 4. outline expectations for student conduct during testing.
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