Torch - Fall 2014
This issue features a beautiful new design and includes articles about the Arts, the new Cohen Ampitheatre, and how alumni stay connected. It also includes the 2013-14 Annual Report.
H A V E R G A L C O L L E G E F A L L 2 0 1 4 W I T H T H E A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 3 – 1 4
PRIVACY OF INFORMATION Havergal College is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. Havergal’s Privacy statement is available at
DESIGN Carol Tsang
CONTRIBUTORS Julie Brown Heather Colwell Helena Follows Christine Lawson
The Torch is printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)- approved paper and mailed in a 100% biodegradable bag that is also recyclable. Please help reduce landfill waste by disposing of it in your recycling box.
SPECIAL THANKS to all members of the Havergal community who participated in interviews, submitted articles, contributed photographs and reviewed articles.
Susan Pink Young Um Louise Yearwood and others as credited
Canada Post Publication Number 48951322
The information contained herein may not be published without permission fromHavergal College.
Table of Contents
3 Principal’s Message 4 Snapshots
8 School Captain Tessa Buchan 10 Celebrating the Arts at Havergal 13 The Cohen Amphitheatre 14 Developing the Gutsy Global Citizen 16 Keeping Connected Beyond the Ivy 21 Strategic Plan Update 22 Discovering Spirituality at Havergal 24 Student Awards 2013–2014 28 Graduate Profile 2014 30 Community News 31 Old Girls News 35 Annual Report 2013–2014
Front Cover: As part of the Global Experience Program curricular excursion to China in June 2014, Havergal students explored Chinese history and culture in Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an and practiced their Mandarin language skills. On the final day of the excursion, the group climbed the Great Wall of China to take in this ancient wonder and the beautiful view. Photo by Eunice Yu Inside Front Cover: Grade 6 students led the way as they carried baskets of food donations to the Junior School Harvest Festival in the Brenda Robson Hall. Photo by Susan Pink Back Cover: Inspired by the illustrations in the book A Gaggle of Geese , Grade 2 students painted animals in their environment with pastel work in contrasting patterns and textures. Artwork by Audrey Gage 2025
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Celebrating Havergal College 120 th Anniversary: 1894–2014
We are celebrating 120 years of Havergal College!
Explore our rich history through our Discover Great Moments timeline, which paints a picture of the Havergal experience by highlighting the achievements of many Old Girls and the life-changing experiences that they shared at Havergal, along with more recent student accomplishments and historical facts about the school. Each time you visit the timeline, take time to discover new great moments! /timeline
Principal’s Message
Holding the Torch High in 2014
By Helen-Kay Davy, Principal
T he opening months of the 2014–15 school year have been a revelation for me as Havergal’s 11 th Principal. The year began with the wonderful Grade 12 Mother-Daughter Luncheon, Celebration Saturday in support of our community partnerships, the Junior School Harvest Festival and Reunion Weekend with 320 Old Girls returning to Havergal to rekindle friendships and reminisce about their shared Havergal experience. I particularly enjoyed sharing lunch with members of the Class of 1964 who were celebrating their 50 th anniversary since graduation. Havergal is filled with history and tradition, and I believe that it is always wise to mark special moments as they provide a supportive framework for an innovative and promising future. As we honour Havergal’s 120 th anniversary, we celebrate this remarkable achievement. The school recently hosted the Havergal at Koerner Hall event, an evening that showcased the many artistic talents of our current students and Old Girls in the artistic disciplines of music, drama, dance and art. I hope that those of you who were able to join us for this special occasion had a wonderful time. Our Heads of Schools—Leslie Anne Dexter and Michael Simmonds—speak to the importance of teaching the arts as part of a liberal arts curriculum in their article on page 10. The stunning photo on the cover of the Torch not only captures the majestic beauty of the Great Wall of China, but also represents the metaphoric journey of learning—a path that may not follow a straight line but is sure to provide many different points of view along the way. As part of the June 2014 Global Experience Program excursion to China, led by Mandarin teacher Eunice Yu and Cindy Chi from Food
Services, students explored the history and culture of this country. It is important for our students to learn about the world and to experience it first-hand so that they can apply their knowledge to new situations and engage with people who have different perspectives. Our feature article for this edition of the Torch concerns our Old Girls network and the many ways our Old Girls keep connected beyond the ivy. Havergal is indebted to its Old Girls for offering our school countless volunteer hours, bringing their professional expertise to bear as guest speakers and mentors, and supporting the school with their donations. Havergal Old Girls provide the foundation upon which our school has been and continues to be able to grow and flourish. I hope you will enjoy the article on page 16 as you learn more about the many programs and offerings through which our students and Old Girls stay connected. Finally, as always, Havergal’s Annual Report forms part of this fall edition of the Torch . The report includes a complete listing of all those donors who have contributed to the financial health and wellbeing of our school. As we begin this year to articulate our new strategic plan for success, I would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere gratitude to all those current families, Old Girls, current and former staff and faculty, and friends of Havergal for their continuing support. Simply put, the school would be unable to maintain the level of excellence to which our students and broader community are accustomed without your ongoing generosity.
In closing, I wish the Havergal community every blessing and much happiness as the Christmas season of celebration approaches.
1. The 2014–15 Prefects with the Havergator on Opening Day. 2. Gillian Hawker 1978, recipient of the 2014
Havergal Old Girls Life Achievement Award, and Linda Hiraki 1995, recipient of the 2014 Susan Ditchburn Young Alumna Award, at the Old Girls Annual Dinner.
3. Footloose Fridays
performance at lunch in the Labatt North Quad. 4. Mothers and daughters compete in a friendly game of Ultimate Chicken at the Middle School Mother Daughter Games. 5. Reconnecting on Opening Day at the Junior School.
Snap hots
6. Upper School students have fun and bond at Gator Day 2014. 7. Grade 4 students examine the Grade 9 stone sculptures as a part of their study on rocks and minerals. 8. Old Girls wear their uniforms to the Junior School Old Girls Prayers.
9. The Junior School participates in the annual Terry Fox Run in support of cancer research. 10. Grade 12 students present Marguerite daisies to their mothers at the Grade 12 Mother Daughter Luncheon.
11. Junior School students support a community
partnership at Celebration Saturday.
By Susan Pink, Communications Associate in the Every Day
School Captain
Whatever I do in the future, I want to do what makes me happy and keeps me busy; Havergal has opened my eyes to this.
Meet School Captain Tessa Buchan 2015 T essa Buchan is a leader who accomplishes her goals and shares the joys of life through friendship and laughter. As Havergal’s School Captain for the 2014–15 school year, Tessa works hard, plays hard and creates an upbeat atmosphere within the school. No matter what the situation, she says there is always something to laugh about during the day. She had always dreamed of attending Havergal. “My mom was a student here and a Prefect in her graduating year [Class of 1985],” says Tessa, who joined the school in Grade 7. “Growing up, I admired the photos of her wearing her white blazer. I knew that I wanted to have similar experiences.” Tessa loves Havergal for many reasons, including the school’s beautiful campus, close-knit community and all of the outstanding opportunities to explore new interests and activities. “I found my passions at Havergal: music and sports,” she says. Tessa plays the trombone with the Symphonic Band (and on occasion with the Symphony Orchestra) and is a member of the Senior Choir. She plays on the Field Hockey Team, the Ice Hockey Team and the Rowing Team. “I love starting the day with a workout, seeing my crewmates and friends and watching the sunrise over the city,” says Tessa of her passion for rowing, which began in Grade 9. Tessa and the Prefects have established this year’s motto: One-Four-One-Five, Find Your Jive . “It means find the fun in life,” Tessa explains. “We developed this year’s motto after we had a conversation with my mom during the Prefect retreat in late August. She was telling us about her glory days as a Prefect in 1984–85. Their motto was Eight-Four-Eight-Five, Get Down Boogie Jive . It made us laugh and we thought it would be fun to make this year’s motto light-hearted.” To help people find their jive and discover the lighter side of life, Tessa and the Prefects are organizing special activities throughout the school year. At Upper School Prayers, they are honouring Super Spark Students and Star Staff Members—inspirational people who bring joy to the community. They are also posting new jokes of the week near the Expression Wall and playing music in the Dining Hall on Thursdays at lunch to inspire outbursts of dancing and singing. “My peers recognize that there is no benefit to being upset or grumpy around other people. We should focus on expressing our joy because it’s contagious,” she adds. As graduation draws near, Tessa wants to fulfil everything on her HC bucket list. To her, this means taking advantage of all the activities and opportunities available at the school. As for her future, Tessa is considering studying either business or medicine at university. For now, she is keeping herself busy with an eclectic mix of activities, which includes participating in sports teams and making music. “Whatever I do in the future, I want to do what makes me happy and keeps me busy; Havergal has opened my eyes to this.”
—Tessa Buchan 2015
Heads’ Message
Celebrating the Arts at Havergal
By Mrs. Leslie Anne Dexter, Head of Junior School, and Dr. Michael Simmonds, Head of Upper School
H avergal College has always been committed to providing a strong liberal arts education for all its students. And while it takes time for students to develop the skills required to write, reason and communicate clearly in ways that allow them to make connections between disciplines, it seems that children everywhere are born with a predisposition to play, imagine and create. Give any child under four years of age crayons and some paper and, without exception, an original work emerges from the blank page. Of course the adults may have to ask some questions of the artist to better understand the creation itself, but that conversation inevitably reveals some greater truth about perception and reality—both for the artist and for the viewer. That is the experiential nature of the creative process, and it finds a home at Havergal in the visual and performing arts from JK through to Grade 12. The arts play an integral role in developing the hearts and minds of students at Havergal. Whether it be the self-portraits drawn by our Kindergarten students that adorn the walls of their classrooms or the arias sung by an Upper School student at Prayers, this school celebrates, honours and educates emerging artists in drama, dance, band, strings, singing, graphic arts, painting, photography, sculpture and print making. A whole team of passionate and committed educators (who are also artists in their own right) helps our students express their creative selves in ways that can surprise our students and their families. Take, for example, the interdisciplinary works created by our Junior School students. Children translate their understanding of the principles of music and visual arts into unique multimedia works to create a hybrid project where art and music collide. In so
doing, they internalize fundamental artistic concepts and show how underlying ideas and expressions of art are universal and can be communicated through a variety of disciplines in diverse ways. And, while integrating the arts across disciplines helps our students make connections they had not previously considered, the Grade 9 stone carving project challenges our girls to connect with something more physical. Stone carving is an art form that students have little experience with and most come to the practice as complete beginners—each girl starting from the same place as a novice carver. Before starting a project, most students are concerned with the quality of their graphic skills and their ability to draw or paint realistically; they tend to value student work mainly for its realism and can overlook ingenuity, innovation and risk-taking. Havergal’s stone carving program levels the creative playing field because Grade 9 students do not have to be “good” at drawing or painting to begin the project. And because the carving seems to emerge from within the stone itself—this is called reductive sculpture—abstract forms are just as likely to manifest as more traditional ones. There is no erasing or painting over. The sculpture takes shape slowly. A piece of stone can (and does) break off and the student’s initial idea for a finished work changes in that moment. In this way our students learn first-hand that creating art requires tremendous patience, perseverance, problem solving, courage, practice, thought and revision. There is nothing perfect about stone carving. It is a messy process and things break. This is a concept the Art department wants students to understand early on in their studies; one that will
Globally, we need more people who can re-imagine, re-interpret and reflect the diversity of the human condition.
The dramatic arts program helps students to understand the importance of belonging to an ensemble—to see themselves as part of something bigger—and to work collaboratively (both on- and off-stage) with students and adults in the production of a play or musical. Learning to accept constructive feedback helps girls metabolize the sting of criticism in ways that build their resilience and resolve, while improving their artistic discipline. In addition, the rehearsal process provides students with the safety net required to build relationships with peers that are grounded in trust, compassion and shared responsibility. And for those girls interested in pursuing dance there are opportunities in both the Junior and Upper Schools in ballet, non-auditioned clubs and the auditioned Dance Troupe. CONTINUED >>
Havergal has general music and vocal, band and strings programs from Kindergarten through to Grade 12, and our students are encouraged and coached to perform in Music Nights and other special performances, as well as in Prayers, throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to perform in concerts and festivals in world-class acoustic venues, such as Koerner Hall. Our music students have, over many decades, had the opportunity to perform in various locations around the world as part of our excursion program, and in so doing, they have come to understand the power of music to transcend language, culture and politics. Music always plays an important role at special events like Carol Service and Founders’ Day, and our students are at the centre of these school traditions.
encourage students to embrace the learning experience without fear of failure and prepare them for real life. Whereas students in the visual arts focus on producing work that people can “see,” our music students focus on producing work that appeals to a different sense. Not a day goes by without music being performed, practiced and heard at Havergal. Whether it’s the entire Upper School singing a House hymn in the Brenda Robson Hall during Prayers or the percussive sounds from the piano, drums and tympani drifting from the Band room into the halls of the school, this community embraces music and the joy it brings. And it’s no wonder. Our Music department aims to instill a lifelong love of music in students at all grades and our students are able to enjoy its power, both as performers and as listeners.
Heads’ Message
performing arts programs across North America and beyond, while others will pursue professions in science, math, business and technology, to name a few. For these graduates, the creative thinking that their involvement in the arts has fostered will inform their professional and personal lives and ensure their continuing love of the arts—both as artists and as those who appreciate them.
kind of innovative thinking. The pursuit of excellence in the arts can lead to discovery in all other areas of study and, for this reason, Havergal is committed to the arts as a way of helping students engage in the world and explore their passions. We are proud of Havergal’s ongoing commitment to providing an exceptional Arts program that supports our many talented students. Some of our students go on to attend prestigious visual and
The arts thrive at the school because Havergal—and its community—recognize the critical role the arts play in developing the creative skills and competencies necessary to excel and succeed in our rapidly changing world. Globally, we need more people who can re-imagine, re-interpret and reflect the diversity of the human condition in unique ways that challenge, inspire and encourage all of us. The arts facilitate this
Advancement & Community Relations
The Cohen Amphitheatre
By Louise Yearwood, Executive Director of Advancement & Community Relations
O n October 2, the Junior School officially opened a new space for Havergal College—the Cohen Amphitheatre. Made possible by the Cohen family, this new outdoor learning area is shaped like a Roman amphitheatre and is nestled upon the banks of the Lisa Hardie Trail, surrounded by the abundant natural beauty of the Havergal campus. Available for use by both the Junior and Upper Schools as well as by staff and faculty, it is a space that can be enjoyed by the entire Havergal community. For Geoff and Andrea Cohen, a project with a whole-school focus was a major factor in their decision to support the amphitheatre project. “We talked about wanting to provide an enhanced learning environment for the whole Havergal community,” Geoff says. “We believe deeply in the education that Havergal provides for our girls,
and we wanted to give back in a way that would benefit everyone at the school.”
The Cohens discussed their decision with their daughters—Finley and Isla—who cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. “We wanted our children to actively participate in our decision,”Andrea says. “For them to be able to see and touch the gift that our family has given to Havergal makes it so special. We feel lucky to be able to show our appreciation for the school and its wonderful faculty and staff, and at the same time help our children to understand the true meaning of giving.” The school would like to express its gratitude to the Cohens and to all its generous donors for their ongoing support and commitment to Havergal College.
Geoff, Andrea, Finley and Isla at the Cohen Amphitheatre
Institute at Havergal
C ourageous, innovative problem solvers who are ready to take on the world: this is the raison d’être of our student engagement programming. Havergal’s Global Experience Program, Students Act Now initiatives and various clubs and councils are but a few of the many programs and supports in place to enable our students to learn to lead in the world at—and beyond—Havergal. Our students have a long history of activism and community engagement. The 1941 issue of the Ludemus speaks of the sweaters, hats and pairs of socks knitted by the girls and sent to the troops fighting in World War II. In 1978, Mary Dennys (Havergal’s 6 th Principal) wrote: “…more than ever before, young people of today need to be flexible and adaptable, able to face challenges— and discouragement. It will be vitally important for you to have formulated your values and standards.” In our focus this year on moral courage, we are continuing Havergal’s long-time commitment to ethical action. What may be different now is that our students are, arguably, the first generation expected to address global problems. They are a generation that knows they must act. What they may not know is how much courage ethical action takes. Moral courage is doing the right thing in the face of your fears. The journey to moral courage is a journey to finding your own integrity. It is a journey of knowing yourself—in relation to others—and of taking values-based action aligned with what you find compelling, what matters to you and what makes you thrive. For students at Havergal, gutsy global citizenship forms the continuation of our work on enabling young women to make a difference through an approach that honours our shared humanity as people, our varied perspectives and our work done in partnership.
Being a gutsy global citizen means:
• knowing yourself at least as much as knowing other people. Self-knowledge creates a culture that honours lived experience. It is the source of feeling your sense of agency, then acting on it. • being fearless about making arguments and questioning positions while being open to changing your mind. This is the central challenge of living ethically in a pluralistic era.
The Forum for Change serves as the hub of Havergal’s learning on moral courage. The Ready, Set, Dream: Building Gutsy Global Citizens workbook will be distributed to all students to support learning about their own values and what they stand for so that they can take ethical action. Through the Forum for Change in the Upper School and at Student Institute Team (SIT) meetings in the Junior School, our students will have the opportunity to identify what they care about and will have the time to work together to develop courageous conversations on change. They will be free to choose and discuss the issues that matter most to them, based on what they believe deserves and demands honest conversation in the school community. The intention is that these conversations will lead to ethical actions in the lives of students and the school. To learn about our students who are already engaged in courageous action, please see the Student Stories section of the Forum for Change web page at .
The Foundation for our Questions
The journey to moral courage requires: time to reflect in a safe space; the support to start courageous conversations and to ask questions that challenge ideas; and the coaching to act on what compels you, even in the face of opposition. Finding your voice is critical.
Moral Courage Guiding Questions
Moral courage is a way of approaching the world that resonates with our community. It offers a framework for our questions, which allows for a continuation of our conversations about creating the world we want. Here are some of the guiding questions that shape the framework: 1. What do I value? What do I care about? What compels me? 2. What do I stand for? 3. What kind of world do I want? 4. Who will I work with and what is their perspective?
5. Where will we find shared purpose? 6. What ethical action will we take?
Copyright 2014 Moral Courage Project
Beyond the Ivy
By Young Um, Director of Communications
Old Girl
Melanie Plet’s 1992 connections to her former Havergal classmates are as strong as ever, even 22 years since graduation. “I’m still best friends with so many of my classmates. Being an Old Girl is all about sisterhood and connection. We share in each other’s successes and we’re instantly there for one another when we need support,” Melanie says. “I graduated in 1992 and I still feel the impact of Havergal all the time.”
women,” she says. She notes further that in the 2014–15 academic year, the HOGA Class Rep position will become part of the formal election process. This way, with a Grade 12 student elected to represent their class even before graduation, even stronger connections will be possible between HOGA and the current students. Through her involvement with HOGA, Melanie has had the opportunity to meet Old Girls from every decade. “I’ve met every generation of Old Girls and it’s amazing how connected you feel immediately to each other,” she says. Melanie hopes to get more alumnae reconnected in a more substantial way—by attending events, volunteering and being more involved in Havergal’s fundraising program. “As Old Girls, we are the ones who have benefitted, so we need to give back to the school,” she adds. Louise Yearwood agrees. As Havergal’s Executive Director of Advancement & Community Relations, Louise oversees the school’s alumnae and fundraising programs. She says Old Girls have been generous donors to Havergal and have supported the school since its inception. Leading by example, every member of the HOGA Directorate shows her commitment through a financial donation to the school. “Old Girls support the school in a variety of ways; one of the key ways is to give financially to the school. And as demands on the school to maintain its level of excellence increase, we would like to see a higher participation rate by our alumnae,” Louise says.
In addition to her close friendships, Melanie says that staying connected with her alma mater is very important to her. After graduating from Havergal, she went on to study psychology and worked in clinical practice for over 10 years before taking a leave to raise her four young children. During this time, she has made it a priority to keep close ties with the school as a volunteer with the Havergal Old Girls Association (HOGA) and in various other capacities with increasing leadership responsibilities. She was a Class Rep for her graduating class and a committee member of the HOGA Distinguished Speaker Event Committee for several years, before chairing that committee for three years. Melanie was most recently the Vice President of HOGA, and is currently the Association’s President. HOGA’s mission is to provide support to and connections between the Old Girl community and Havergal College. “We want to sustain a lifelong association between every Old Girl and the Havergal College community,” says Melanie, noting HOGA’s core values of friendship & connection, leadership & philanthropy, and tradition & innovation. As HOGA President, Melanie also hopes to establish stronger connections with students before they graduate. For example, on September 19, Melanie attended the Mother Daughter Luncheon for the Class of 2015. “I can see that the girls love Havergal. They are amazingly connected to one another. They are strong, confident young
Continued >>
Left: Mentoring Journeys partners Julia Moore 2006 and Marilyn Prowse De Mara 1971 Photo by Jacquie Labatt 1980
Left: Celebrating their 20 th reunion at Reunion Weekend 2012. (left to right) Dale McIntosh 1992 (HOGA President 2012–13 and 2013–14), Melanie Plet 1992 (HOGA President 2014–15 and 2015–16) and Rachel DeBlois 1992 (HOGA President 2010–11 and 2011–12). Right: Taylor Murrell 2015 (far right) and her classmates await their mothers’ arrival for the Grade 12 Mother Daughter Luncheon on September 19. Mothers were honoured with Marguerite daisies, a symbol of the Havergal Old Girl.
Student Conversations Taylor Murrell 2015 always knew she wanted to be a lawyer, but she didn’t know which field to focus on. Last spring, Taylor connected with the Old Girls Office following a conversation she had with Vice Principal Lois Rowe. Through the Student Conversations Program, Taylor was connected with Old Girl Jill Fraser 1987, a Partner at the law firm Aird & Berlis LLP. “I emailed Ms. Fraser and she responded right away suggesting that we meet for lunch,” Taylor says. Armed with a handful of questions, Taylor wanted to know what corporate law was all about and what she should take at university to prepare for law school. Jill talked about her daily life as a lawyer, her role at the firm and law school requirements. After their meeting, Taylor said she felt even more enthusiastic and assured and had a clear view of her future. “My sense is that Taylor went away with an understanding of corporate law and that there’s no set path to get there—you don’t need a specific undergraduate degree to get into law school,” says Jill, who also volunteered as a mentor as part of the 2013 Havergal Career Networking Event (run by the Advancement & Community Relations and Guidance departments), which brings together more than 100 mentors (including Old Girls and parents) to network with Grade 11 and 12 students. “I really believe it’s important for those with experience to mentor others. Mentoring is invaluable for anyone starting out. Often those starting off in a career need some good advice: who are the right people to talk to and how to get into a new profession,” Jill says. “You should always follow your passions and make sure you do what you love.”
“Old Girls particularly understand the need to ensure that their beloved Havergal is available to any mission-appropriate girl who would benefit from a Havergal education,” says Louise, noting that Old Girls’ donations often support their class endowments, which mostly are designated to support bursaries at Havergal. “Old Girls also have a deep connection to the school through their support of the Chaplaincy, the Dr. Catherine Steele 1928 Archives, the Ellen Knox Library and the Legacy Theatre.” For Old Girls, traditions form the foundation of their Havergal experience. “Founders’ Day and Carol Service are both traditions that are very meaningful to our community. It’s great to see Old Girls attending our Carol Service,” says Louise, noting that at Founders’ Day—one of many occasions in the school calendar that bring alumnae and students together—the guest speaker is most often an Old Girl. “When families come to Havergal, there’s a general understanding that their investment in their daughters will stretch beyond the school experience—that they will be a part of a lifelong community. However, parents are often not aware of the full extent to which we support their daughters long after they graduate,” Louise says. “What surprises families is how robust the Old Girls program is.” For example, designed to capitalize on the strength of the Old Girls network, the Havergal Mentoring Program, Light the Way , offers both long-term and short-term mentoring programs. It is designed to allow participants the opportunity to discuss career paths, form new relationships and forge lifelong connections. It includes the Student Conversations Program that connects Old Girls in their chosen professions with students who are seeking advice about career choices and university programs.
As an Old Girl, you are always going to be a part of this community—a community that will support you beyond the ivy.
—Louise Yearwood
“Everyone benefits from having a mentor in their life and it’s gratifying to be able to help a younger professional. If you are a leader or an executive, there’s a responsibility for you to ‘light the way’ for others to follow in your footsteps and to give back what you’ve been fortunate to have experienced,”Marilyn says. “With Havergal, it’s the common connection—the shared experience as Old Girls—that makes the mentoring relationship that much easier.” Staying Connected To run a successful alumnae program, the school offers a variety of activities that appeal to a wide audience who are at different stages of their lives (for a list of programs, see page 20). In addition, HOGA works tirelessly to engage Old Girls, both locally and internationally, in their learning through participation in social events and professional networking opportunities. HOGA keeps its programming fresh and responsive to the needs of its members. Last year, HOGA offered a new series of breakfast workshops and lunch- and-learns in the Bay Street Corridor focused on entrepreneurship and networking, organized a tour of a law firm’s private art collection (social networking) and hosted an Old Girls golf clinic and reception. An annual tradition, Reunion Weekend (held on the same weekend as Celebration Saturday) is central to the school’s alumnae program. Old Girls are invited back to the school every five years to celebrate with their classmates. This year, on September 27, more than 320 Old Girls from 1944 to 2009, from those classes ending in ’4 and ’9 were honoured at Reunion Weekend 2014. “Reunion Weekend is at the core of our work with our Old Girls. The event provides an occasion for Old Girls to come back to the
According to Jill, the mentor-mentee relationship is based on both giving and receiving. “I enjoy the satisfaction of giving back and helping someone else. I always learn from those whom I mentor, as they bring different perspectives to the conversation.” Taylor fully appreciates the power of the Old Girls network. “I look forward to coming back to Havergal and forming connections. One day, I’d like to do the same thing Ms. Fraser did for me. I would have never had this connection outside of this school,” Taylor adds.
Mentoring Journeys: Old Girl to Old Girl
The Havergal Mentoring Program offers a framework through which mentees can explore their potential, share life experiences and set strategies to realize their professional and personal goals. Mentoring Journeys, the long-term mentoring program, connects experienced Old Girls with fellow Old Girls who are just starting out and seeking guidance about their career goals. In its nine years, the program has matched and supported more than 60 pairs of mentors/mentees. In 2009, Julia Moore 2006 participated in Mentoring Journeys and was matched with Marilyn Prowse De Mara 1971. The two Old Girls, both accountants in the charitable sector, shared many similarities that made them a natural mentoring pair. When they first met, Julia had two years under her belt at Ernst & Young, while Marilyn, a seasoned chartered accountant, was the first woman to become a partner at KPMG LLP in 1985. Their mentoring relationship lasted two years, enriching both their lives and proving equally rewarding for the mentor and mentee.
Continued >>
school to renew ties, see old friends and connect with current and former staff and faculty. They also get to meet Old Girls from other years who are celebrating a reunion,” Louise adds. According to Louise, although Havergal supports its alumnae in practical ways through various Old Girls programs, it’s the personal and emotional connections that sustain Old Girls from every decade. At this year’s Reunion Weekend, Old Girl Alannah Campbell Kearns 1974 honoured her classmates, more than 40 in attendance celebrating their 40 th reunion, with a speech focused upon friendship and the value of being a part of the community that will sustain them over their lifetime. Alannah’s remarks included the following excerpt: “Havergal became our home—our community. It helped define who we were…And even though we didn’t think of it at the time, we were making memories— memories that would last a lifetime…Havergal gave us each other…Wonderful friends who can reconnect in minutes—after decades apart…Havergal also works hard at keeping us connected—Forty Years On.” In her role, Louise has had the privilege of meeting Old Girls from every graduating class. “It’s amazing to see the friendships that form while at Havergal and how they grow closer over the years,” she says, recalling a special group of Old Girls who recently returned to Havergal to celebrate their 60 th Reunion. “Everybody has ups and downs in their lives; the power of the Old Girls network is that it supports you throughout all these occasions, no matter what. As an Old Girl, you are always going to be a part of this community—a community that will support you beyond the ivy. For a current parent, it is a comfort to know that your care and investment in your daughter is realized not only while she is at the school but also well beyond it—and forever.”
Three generations of Havergal Old Girls at the Annual Dinner 2014: Gillian Hawker 1978, Rebecca Perlmutar 2008 and Kitty Hare Hawker1939.
HOGA offers a wide breadth of programs for Old Girls and current students:
Volunteer opportunities with HOGA:
• HOGA Directorate and Committees • Mentoring (Mentor or Mentee) • Class Reps • Done-in-a-Day Volunteer Positions • Dr. Catherine Steele 1928 Archives For more information, contact the Old Girls Office at or 416-482-4706 .
Havergal Mentoring Program: • Light the Way • Mentoring Journeys • Career Conversations: Professional & Student* • Take Your Daughter to Work Day (Grade 9)* • Career Networking Event (Grades 11 & 12)*
University Transition Day* Chronicle and Connections Publications Stoneagers Holiday Luncheon Cinquantenaires & Stoneagers Spring Luncheon Havergal’s Grandchildren’s Party
Reunion Weekend Branch Reunions Annual Dinner Old Girls Awards Young Alumnae Events
Professional Networking Events Personal Interest Workshops
*Programs that connect current students with Old Girls
Strategic Plan Update
Havergal College’s Strategic Plan 2009–2014 Culture of Capability Final Report
We are pleased to share with our community the Havergal College Strategic Plan 2009-2014, Culture of Capability . The final report shows the plan’s impact on the school as an educational institution as well as on its community, as evidenced through stories of its success. Please visit to view the final report. Help Shape HC 2020! The Board of Governors and School Leadership Team have launched a process to develop our next strategic plan, building on the foundation of the Culture of Capability . Over the coming months we will be examining our changing environment, engaging our community and exploring new strategies to guide our school from 2015 to 2020. We look forward to hearing from many voices in our community. Stay tuned for more information as this exciting process unfolds.
Through 11 stories, members of our community share how the Culture of Capability has made a lasting impact—please visit to learn about their stories.
Havergal’s Chair of the Board of Governors: Barrie Laver
On September 29, Havergal College announced the appointment of Barrie Laver as Chair of the Board of Governors. Barrie has served on the Board of Governors of Havergal College since 2010, most recently as Vice Chair of the Board. As Board Chair, he will sit on all Board Committees and will also continue to Chair the Strategic Planning Committee. Barrie is currently Managing Director with RBC Capital Partners, the private equity and venture capital group with Royal Bank of Canada. A senior executive with an extensive background in the venture capital and private equity industry, Barrie has served as CEO with companies in the technology, hospitality and manufacturing sectors. He holds CPA, CA and ICD.D designations and has experience on numerous private, public and not-for-profit boards. His daughters are recent graduates of Havergal College–Erica 2014 and Danielle 2012. The entire Havergal community is fortunate to have Barrie take on this leadership role, guiding the Board and helping to shape Havergal’s future.
Havergal College
Discovering Spirituality at Havergal
By The Reverend Canon Susan Bell, Chaplain
O ld Girls and parents know well that Havergal College is more than a school. In the words of one Old Girl: “We are a family and a community.” So true. And it is a fact that is well known by The Rev’d Andrew MacDonald and me, The Rev’d Canon Susan Bell, respectively the Assistant Chaplain and Chaplain at Havergal. Mr. MacDonald has the care of the Junior School while I am the Chaplain for the whole school, paying particular attention to the Middle and Senior Schools. Havergal is an Anglican school. Anglican schools have traditionally been those affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada, while serving the whole of their communities. This means that we are here for students of all faiths and none. Havergal is a place where education happens; however, unlike some other schools, we take care to provide intellectual, physical and spiritual learning. Havergal is a place where formation takes place—where our students are invited to think beyond themselves, to consider both their own spirituality as well as the spirituality of others who represent the diversity within our community, our city and our world. Havergal is a place where we explore what it means to make a difference , in the words of our school’s mission. Havergal is a place where we seek to grow into the fullness of who each of us was created to be. Each week on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, the community gathers in the Brenda Robson Hall and in the Junior School Hall for Prayers. These are services of prayer and an exploration of how our values and spirituality are integrated daily into all our lives. Mr. MacDonald and I help with preparation and support for Prayers, and depending upon the day, Prayers may be led by students, the Chaplain or by members of the faculty and staff. So what does this mean and what does this look like on a daily basis?
Because we are a community—a family—each voice that is heard in Prayers is valued. Because we are all on a lifelong journey of the integration of our values, we welcome many different perspectives on how that process happens. In addition to their curriculum of intellectual and physical education, during the rest of the week students also attend Religious Education classes in the Junior School and the Middle School, which are taught by Mr. MacDonald. Confirmation classes are offered to the students in the Middle and Senior Schools. As the school’s Chaplains, we are available for pastoral care and counselling, and the beautiful St. Cecilia Chapel is available to everyone in our community as a place of quiet and peace: for prayer and for solitude in the midst of a busy school day. The familiar rhythm of Prayers, pastoral support and intentional spiritual education for all is what it means to be an Anglican school.
Because we are a community—a family— each voice that is heard in Prayers is valued.
The Reverend Canon Susan Bell and The Reverend Andrew MacDonald in the Chapel of St. Cecilia in the Upper School.
Student Awards
Havergal Student Awards 2013–2014 The Havergal community congratulates the following students for their achievements and accomplishments for the 2013–2014 school year. Special awards ceremonies were held on June 9 for the Junior School and October 16 for the Upper School to honour and acknowledge the many award recipients.
JUNIOR SCHOOL GRADE 6 PRIZES AND AWARDS The Levy, Revell, Wilkinson Award: Sabrina Hwang & Sabrina Wong
SENIOR YEAR ACADEMIC PRIZES The Arts – Band: Sunho Park The Arts – Strings: Orli Silverberg Languages – AP French: Courtney Cheng Languages – Latin: Yunji Choi Languages – Spanish: Stephanie Cheung
The Hulbert Holmes Award: Seher Moosabhoy The Ismay McCarrick Award: Swanee Douglas The Laurene Watson Award: Renee Chan The Mohan Award: Emily White
Mathematics – Advanced Placement Functions: Qiyi Zhao Mathematics – Advanced Placement Statistics: Qiyi Zhao Mathematics – Data Management: Stephanie Cheung Science – Physics: Qiyi Zhao Social Sciences – Economics: Lauren Symons Social Sciences – Law: Florence Chan Social Sciences – World History – West & the World: Hodan Jibril Technology Education – Communications Technology: Tianna Tso UPPER SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS The Wendy J. Thompson Scholarship – Grade 7: Lara Ground, Elisa Shi The Wendy J. Thompson Scholarship – Grade 9: Mariana Aguilar, Jasmin Lee, Aicha Sommer, Cindy Xiong The Wendy J. Thompson Scholarship – Grade 11: Rochelle Johnson The Frances Ridley Havergal House Entrance Scholarship: Elia Gross, Grace Metcalfe The Robin Urquhart Beddis & Jean Macpherson Urquhart Scholarship: Madeleine Meneguzzi The Havergal Canadian Boarding Scholarship: Katherine Ready-Walters
PRIZE FOR HIGHEST GENERAL PROFICIENCY Grade 7: Olivia Nadalini Grade 8: Selina Chow Grade 9 (Class of 1937 MacDonald Memorial Prize): Keely Douglas Grade 10 (Class of 1937 MacDonald Memorial Prize): Sarah Alexis Gritis Grade 11 (The Luella Gertrude Lovering Memorial Prize): Qiyi Zhao UPPER SCHOOL ACADEMIC AWARDS The Ancerl Prize for Music: Charlotte Sugden The O’Rorke Middle School Music Award – Band: Victoria Burrows, Isabella Meneguzzi The O’Rorke Middle School Music Award – Strings: Mostin Hu The O’Rorke Middle School Music Award – Vocal: Isabella Vettese Dorothy Bevan Prize for Junior Mathematics in Grade 10: Jaimie Kidson Dorothy O’Dell Memorial Prize for Mathematics in Grade 11: Angelina Pan Class of 1937 Proficiency Prize in Science: Christine Choi Dorothy Symons Scholarship in Canadian Studies: Caprice Herjavec The Louise Cholette-Rees Award: Maya Khalili The Marcelle De Freitas and Elaine McGillivray Prize for Modern Languages: Sara Gilchrist Constance Pudan Prize for French in Grade 11: Sarah Alexis Gritis, Nika Khajehdehi, Stephanie Ross The Yale Book Prize: Rickie Xian
UPPER SCHOOL SPECIAL AWARDS The Josephine Clark Prize: Vivian Rachel So
The Boarders Cup: Le Dan Pham The New Girl Cup: Lauren Wilcox
Havergal College Parent Association Prize – Grade 7: Jala Malcolm Havergal College Parent Association Prize – Grade 8: Laura Seidelin Havergal College Parent Association Prize – Grade 9: Coco Wang Havergal College Parent Association Prize – Grade 10: Jane Yearwood Havergal College Parent Association Prize – Grade 11: Florence Chan, Sara Gilchrist Old Girls Prizes – Grade 9: Kate Gilchrist
Old Girls Prizes – Grade 10: Julia Mastroianni Old Girls Prizes – Grade 11: Karishma Singh The Bets Kiddell Debating Prize: Alexandra Harrison
The Middle School Award for Leadership: Catherine Thomas The Class of 1956 Mary Dennys Award: Samantha Johnston The Havergal Award for Exceptional Academic Standing: Qiyi Zhao
Upper School Honour Roll and Award of Distinction In Grades 7 and 8, students who earn a weighted average of 80% and above are placed on the Honour Roll. Students who earn a weighted average of 90% and above are given an Award of Distinction. To achieve a position on the Honour Roll in Grades 9 to 12, students must attain several grades in the 80s: Grades 9 and 10—six subjects out of eight in the 80s; Grade 11—five subjects out of seven or eight in the 80s; Grade 12—five subjects in the 80s. To attain an Award of Distinction, a student must have the same number of grades as above in the 90s.
(H = Honour Roll; D = Award of Distinction)
AGNES HANSEN HOUSE Julia Alderman – H Rachel Auwaerter – D
Emma Andison – H Skylar Banks – H
Katherine Matthews – H Trudy McKnight – H Erin McQueenie – H Avalon Morell – D Urvashi Naraine – D Awura Ohene-Darkoh – H Jane Park – D Claire Rhamey – H Danielle Roth – H Alexandra Rozenberg – D Emma Seger – H Anna Shinn – D Heather Sigurdson – H Sierra Singh – D Lauren Stackhouse – H Aine Stoute – D Ayana Sunami – D Rozana Taghi-Ganji – H Victoria Tam – H Alyx Vinieris-Giancola – H Nuo (Isabella) Xu – D Katrina Ai Qi Yeung – H Yi Lam (Jennifer) Yeung – H Hyun-Jung (Hanna) Yoon – H Sarah Zhao – D Yining (Sarah) Zhao – D Rachel Zigelstein – D
Brittany Morrison – H Anaïs Mortazavi Zadeh – D
Madelaine Battista – H Mackenzie Birbrager – D Taylor Bowes – D Alexa Breininger – D Tessa Buchan – D Jing Xin (Jessie) Chen – D Michelle Chen – D Melanie Cheung – D Stephanie Cheung – D Sarah Cummings – H Alexandra Cunningham – D Deanna Darby Barton – H Hanna Farkouh – H Elizabeth Farkouh – D Emma George – D Margaret Lan – D Nicole Landa – H Madeleine Lao – H Tesa Laslavic – H Emma Laslavic – H Younsil (Ashley) Lee – D Tiffany (Yee-Ho) Leung – D Noelle Lim – D Allison MacGregor – D Jala Malcolm – H Sarah Alexis Gritis – D Rowaida Hussein – D Jaimie Kidson – D Lauren Kingsmill – H
Claire Barclay – D Katherine Barr – D Madison Beck – H Paige Beettam – H Emma Buckles – H Emily Chin – D Sophia Coburn – H Katherine Cook – H Dina Curtosi – D Bryn Ferguson – D Jessica Frank – D Sierra Gibson – H Skye Gibson – D Bronwyn Hersen – D Si Ieng (Gisele) Ho – H Megan Hoffer – H Alexandra Holgate – H Hansa Jain – H Caroline Jyu – H Nika Khajehdehi – D Sun-Young Kim – D Erica Laver – H Joyce Lee – D Meaghan Lee – D Naomi Leftwick – D Kyla Leong-Poi – D Jacqueline Lu – D Catherine Manuel – D Julia Mateus – H
Jessica Munk – D Nadia Munk – D
Ca (Nina) Ngo – D Laura Osborne – D Kathleen Pittini – H Ana Pizzuto Puga – H Julia Quarin – H Ainsley Robertson – H Victoria Robertson – H Ashley Romundt – H Elizabeth Schnekenburger – D Laura Seidelin – D Sophie Seidelin – D Corie Shyba – H Genevieve Simone – H Leili Sinaei – H Vivian Rachel So – H Evelyn Tokatlidis – H Kristen Tse – D Julia Velimirovic – H Isabella Vettese – D Anna Wellner – H Shalley Xu – D Xiaoyu (Anita) Xu – D Mengxuan Zhang – D
Qiyi Zhao – D Goa Zhu – H
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