Return to Campus Parent & Student Handbook

Additional Health and Hygiene Protocols In addition parents/guardians must adhere to the health and hygiene protocols laid out below: ● Notify the College of the reason for any student absences. ● Complete the daily online screening, even if the student is staying home for the day due to illness. ● After completing the screening tool, parents will automatically be sent an email with the Havergal College COVID-19 Screening and Return to School Protocol. ● Havergal screening and COVID-19 testing recommendations mirror the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Toronto Public Health guidelines. ○ If a COVID-19 related symptom or concern is identified during the screening process, a nurse from the Health Centre will call the family to follow-up and provide advice regarding testing and return to school.

Continuous Learning Program

● We are committed to continuous learning and have provisions in place should the College be required to close the campus.


● JK to Grade 12:​ Students are required to wear a well fitting (covers nose and chin, does not gape at the side) face mask at school. ● Students in Grades 4 to 12 are required to wear a medical (non-cloth) mask indoors during the school day. ● Students in JK to Grade 3 may wear a medical or cloth mask. It is key that their masks fit well and have three layers. ● A ​ three-layered mask​ is recommended by the ​ Public Health Agency of Canada​ to improve protection from COVID-19. ● Masks are required to be worn by students at all times, both inside and outdoors. ● There are only two exemptions to mask wearing: ○ When students are eating. They must be distanced to remove their mask and when they are done eating the

mask needs to be put back on promptly. ○ When directed by a Phys. Ed. teacher.


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