Return to Campus Parent & Student Handbook
Role of Parents/Guardians
Return to Campus Agreement - Updated February 2021 In preparation for your child’s return to Campus on February 16, 2021, all families are required to recommit to the Return to Campus Agreement. The Return to Campus Agreement dictates that parents/guardians must review, agree and share with their children, the measures outlined in the Return to Campus Parent and Student Handbook and the Annual Havergal College Screening Agreement. The link to the Return to Campus Agreement will be sent with the daily screening on February 10 and 11, 2021. Daily screening questions may change throughout the school year to mirror Toronto Public Health and Ministry of Education guidelines; families will be updated as these changes occur. Day Students Parents/guardians will be required to complete daily online screening for all on campus learners prior their arrival on campus each day. Students are not permitted to enter the campus until the daily screening is complete and has been verified upon entry. Boarding Students Boarding student daily screening will be completed by the Dons prior to the start of their school day. Daily Havergal College Screening
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