Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
Fire Precautions Fire doors, smoke detectors and heat sensors in rooms, corridors and fire escape routes are checked regularly by the Facilities department. In addition to the fire drills held during school hours, fire drills are also held twice per year during Boarding School hours. Tampering with any fire equipment is a criminal offence. The burning of incense or candles in Boarding is strictly forbidden as is the use of any open flame, including lighters. The Head of Boarding works with Security to plan and execute regular scheduled evacuation drills, held once per term. Evacuation Procedure In the case of fire, the person who discovers the fire should immediately pull the fire alarm. Evacuation procedures will commence upon hearing the alarm. 1. Exit Boarding School immediately, wearing face masks. ● All students exit through their assigned stairwell unless it is unsafe to do so. ● The Dons on Duty on the third and fourth floors sweep their respective floors (knock on each door if possible, while shouting) within reasonable expectations for their own safety. ● Physical distance as much as possible on the way out and at the outdoor muster station. 2. Exit building and make way to the Upper School Parking Lot (North Lot). ● All occupants will make their way to the Upper School Parking Lot (North Lot). ● Don on Duty will collect the Master and Commander, Fire List (which contains Family Attendance Sheets, emergency numbers), cell phone, iPad and extra masks.
3. Assemble in the Upper School Parking Lot (North Lot). ● Organize and stand quietly in grade level cohorts. ● Dons take student attendance. 4. If required, move to a secondary location. ● Assemble in the Junior School, South House, if required.
● The off-site location is St. Ansgar Lutheran Church (1498 Avenue Road): travel north on Avenue Road, cross at street lights, enter the front doors of the church. 5. Return to the building. ● The “All Clear” is announced by Security at the conclusion of the evacuation.
Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
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