Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
Exam Study Tips Middle School BTI , 2005 By Ingrid Fan
School’s out! Well almost out. As the end of the year quickly approaches, all of our minds are set on summer vacation as it inches closer each day. Unfortunately, before we kick off for the summer, there is a barrier that we all must pass. That’s right, because the time of the year has come again for exams. In the past, I have written many exams and as each one goes by, I realize that I have learned something new during each preparation process. Although it’s hard to imagine yourself all lined up in long rows and sitting down in the Assembly Hall trying to write an hour and a half long exam, there are important steps that lead up to this scenario. These are some of the things that I highly recommend in order for you to achieve to the best of your ability on the exams. 1. Plan to go to the bathroom on the way to your exams or just don’t drink a lot of water! 2. Don’t leave all of your studying for the MS Study day; you’ll never make it! 3. Don’t just read the text, work on the problems too! 4. Don’t try to bribe the teachers; it won’t work! (Unless it’s Ms. Rowe) 5. Get a good night’s sleep! Don’t try to pull an all-nighter! 6. Don’t fall asleep during an exam; you won’t have enough time to finish! 7. Study in little bits; don’t try to do it all at once! 8. Don’t arrive to the exams too early. Try not to discuss what might be on the exam; it will only make you more nervous. 9. Bring a working calculator and extra batteries! 10. Bring a watch so that you can pace yourself. 11. Don’t talk about the exams as soon as you are done! 12. Remember to bring a pencil sharpener with you or you will be out of luck when your pencil breaks! With all these tips in mind, I’m sure all these will be of great help to those new to the reality of examinations. Start reviewing your notes really soon so that there will not be so much studying almost at the end of May. Good luck to all.
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