Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
Why Join Clubs? BTI , March 2005 By Lindsay Melvin
Okay, okay... I can hear you groaning, but just give me a minute. Yes, the BTI is fantastic and interesting and you don’t really want to read this when you could be reading about something more exciting, but this is just as cool. I am going to be telling you why you should go to clubs. Don’t stop here, seriously, it’s quick and I promise you can relate to this... Why should I be telling you to go to clubs, you ask? Well, no, it’s not because I am one of the Club Prefects, (although, it does help) it is because I am involved in clubs, and have been since I was able to sign up in grade seven. Yes, I’m a Club Keener. In fact, I’m currently signed up for more clubs than I can attend.. which I’m working on! But why do I do it? Actually, that would be the most logical place to start, but instead I’m going to look at why people DON’T join clubs. I can understand ... sort of. .. (well, it’s a stretch for me) The only good reason (besides “I’m lazy”) that I’ve heard mumbled in the hallways is that clubs take place, for the most part, at lunch time. Goodness knows, HC girls have ENOUGH to do at lunch times. Whether it’s meeting with teachers, finishing that English essay that was due... let’s see... yesterday, or doing the homework that you forgot to do last night because Desperate
Housewives was on T.V., sometimes lunch time just doesn’t seem to allow time for anything BUT. (Lunch, that is). And when you do finally get time to relax, you just want to chill with your friends. Fair enough, I get that. But here’s my take on things. Yeah, lunches are busy. And yeah, if they’re not, you just want to chill with your friends. But here’s the thing: clubs start at 12:15. Lunch itself starts at 11:50! Wow, that’s definitely enough time to grab a bite to eat and to scribble some answers down on your homework! (let’s face it... if you were planning on doing it at lunch, it’s not going to be great as it is... and if you haven’t handed in that essay due yesterday... well, good luck) HC girls are great at multitasking. I know you all agree. So why not multitask for the first 20 minutes of lunch? Try it. And about your friends- drag your friends with you to a club! There, we have a solution. Now- why JOIN clubs? Well, to be lame- they’re fun. Really, they are. You meet new people in different grades that you may not have known, you can find out about issues that you really feel passionate about, and you can get involved in school (and hey, sometimes there are even a few snacks!). Having a few clubs under your belt is a bonus... it just can’t hurt. So as you flip through this issue of the BTI , take a look at the clubs listed... see if you can pop into one. It’s definitely worth it!
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