Havergal's Uncalendar, 2020-21 Academic Year
GRADE 10 PPL2O – Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 10, Open Semestered 1 CREDIT It is no secret that physical activity is necessary to a person’s well-being. Canadian teens need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day to reap the rewards. This course will help you to achieve it. The Grade 10 Health & Physical Education course is an extension of the Grade 9 course as it exposes students to a wide variety of group activities so they can play games that are fun and participate for the joy of being active. In September, the teacher will provide a survey to allow students to choose the activities they would most like to play and the course will be built around your choices. Some options include, but are not limited to, territory games (field hockey, soccer, Ultimate, football, basketball, Tchoukball), net/wall games (badminton, volleyball, table tennis, squash), personal fitness, dance, climbing, aquatics, games and Junior School coaching. Health units allow students to connect their experiences in Grade 10 to making good choices about healthy eating, mental well-being, substance abuse and addictions, and sexual health. The benefits of daily physical activity include improved overall fitness, a boost to mental health, the ability to cope with stress and improved academic performance in your other courses. Just do it!
GRADE 11 and 12 PAD3O – Outdoor Education, Grade 11, Open 1 CREDIT You don’t need to be an experienced tripper, know how to cross-country ski or even know how to scale a rock wall to be in the Outdoor Education course. You learn a lot of hard skills like tying knots and centre flipping a canoe along with soft skills such as listening and creative problem-solving through initiative games. You will go on three trips: a canoe trip in September to Algonquin Park; winter camping at Kandalore combined with dog sledding at Haliburton Forest in January; and a trip to Wahanowin to do rock climbing, high and low ropes courses, zipline and trapeze in May. An additional fee will be charged for these excursions. On these trips, you will live in tents or cabins and you will build and sleep in a quinzee (like an igloo), which actually is a lot warmer than it sounds. The menu is chosen and created by you so you know that it will always be good. You will gain many close friends throughout the classes and the trips. You will have unforgettable experiences and challenge yourself mentally and physically. In between trips there is a short health unit that allow students to connect their experiences in Grade 11 to making good choices about healthy eating, mental well-being, substance abuse and addictions, and sexual health. You also can get certified in First Aid and CPR. The world is our classroom; let’s take it outside! PAF3O2/PAF4O2 – Healthy Living and Personal And Fitness Activities, Grade 11 or 12, Open Semestered 0.5 CREDIT Teens in Canada are less active than they have ever been and the effects contribute to us feeling stressed, out of shape and tired. Do you want to include physical activity and fitness into your daily routine? The results will be astounding and every teen should have the opportunity to take part in an activity that they feel good about. This course is fitness- focused, using the Fitness Centre, the pool and games that will help students develop and improve their fitness levels. Heart rate monitors and training will provide immediate feedback to individual student personal fitness programs and a wide variety of fitness methods will be used to maintain interest and excitement in the course. Students will have the option to choose some team games and sports, as well, that allow for exercise through play. Health units allow students to connect their experiences to making good choices about healthy eating, mental well-being, substance abuse and addictions, and sexual health. Fitness can be fun! Take this course to commit to a healthier you. This course will be offered only if enrolment numbers warrant.
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