Havergal's Uncalendar, 2020-21 Academic Year
PAI3O2/PAI4O2 – Racquet Sports, Grade 11 or 12, Open Semestered 0.5 CREDIT If you are someone who loves to play racquet sports and participate in small group activities, friendly competition and fun, this course is for you! This is a focus course that allows you to participate in social sports. It covers tennis, badminton, table tennis, squash and Pickleball. A high level of skill in these sports is not required to take the course; it is a way for you to learn how to play for lifelong enjoyment. Basic concepts (such as serves, forehand and backhand shots) transfer from one sport to the next. So do strategies between the sports. Students will travel to the Cricket Club for squash and compete against each other in friendly competition during the various sport units. Health units allow students to connect their experiences to making good choices about healthy eating, mental well-being, substance abuse and addictions, and sexual health. If small group and individual activities are more your thing, this course is for you! This course will be offered only if enrolment numbers warrant. PLF4M – Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership, Grade 12, University/College Preparation 1 CREDIT What does the word “leadership” mean to you? Do you understand the five domains of leadership at Havergal? Every CEO and business owner in the world aspires to be a good leader, but how can you be a good leader if you don’t understand what leadership really means? This course is open to Grade 10 to 12 students who are looking for leadership training. We use physical education, recreation and fitness as a lens to examine topics relating to developing your own leadership skills. A variety of leadership theories will be explored that will apply to any field or area of interest. Students will learn about promotion, planning and facilitating large group events and initiatives and will help other students find ways to be physically active at the school. This course will help you learn more about your strengths and teach you how to step into a leadership role. You can do it! Prerequisite: Any Health and Physical Education course Note: This course is intended for Grade 10, 11 or 12 students.
PSK4U – Introductory Kinesiology, Grade 12, University Preparation 1 CREDIT If you are interested in human movement, or are considering a career in medicine, physiotherapy or human biology, this course if for you. Members of the HOSA Club will understand the career pathways this course can lead to. Kinesiology is the study of human movement. At the beginning of this course, you will learn all of the bones and muscles in the human body. You will spend time talking about the skeletal system and muscular system and then we will start to look at human performance from the eye of a kinesiologist, including sport injuries, training principles and the physics of movement. You will study and discuss physiology—how the athlete’s body produces and uses energy. In the nutrition and training principles units, you will create a nutrition plan for an athlete client in a sport that interests you and will also create a personalized training plan for a classmate with a particular goal. Student presentations allow you to share something you have learned about issues in Canadian sports and physical activity. The work is fun to do and you will make lots of meaningful and personal connections with the course content. Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 University or University/College Preparation course in Science or any Grade 11 or 12 open course in Health and Physical Education
16 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Uncalendar 2020–21
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