Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
1. A maximum of one Grade 11 university/college preparation music credit may be awarded towards the OSSD for the successful completion of one of the following: • Grade VII Practical and Intermediate Rudiments (formerly Grade 1 Rudiments) of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto • Grade VII Practical and Grade III Theory of Conservatory Canada, London, Ontario • Collegial I Practical and Collegial I Theory of any conservatory of music in the province of Quebec • Grade V Practical and Grade III Theory of Trinity College London, England • Grade VII Practical and Grade VI Theory of the Royal Schools of Music, London, England 2. A maximum of one Grade 12 university/college preparation music credit may be awarded towards the OSSD for the successful completion of one of the following: • Grade VIII Practical and Advanced Rudiments (formerly Grade II Rudiments) of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto • Grade VIII Practical and Grade IV Theory of Conservatory Canada, London, Ontario • Collegial II Practical and Collegial II Theory of any conservatory of music in the province of Quebec • Grade VI Practical and Grade IV Theory of Trinity College London, England • Grade VIII Practical and Grade VIII Theory of the Royal Schools of Music, London, England Note: The term practical refers to any musical instrument on which performance is examined. It includes voice (i.e., singing), but not speech arts. The mark credited to the student is calculated by averaging the marks that the student has earned in the practical component and in rudiments or theory, as the case may be. (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 7.3.4 p 72, Appendix 4 pg 107) Option 2 Students may be awarded music credits (a maximum of 2 credits in Grades 10-12) through the PLAR challenge process. Music credits granted through the PLAR process may be used to meet the compulsory credit requirement in the arts or the additional compulsory credit requirement for Group 2. They may also be used to satisfy the related course requirement for a cooperative education program. Please note that Havergal does not offer the PLAR challenge process.
Procedures for Students who Fail to Meet Course Expectations (OS 7 5) Where a student does not achieve the curriculum expectations of a course, the Vice Principal Teaching & Learning, in consultation with the Head of Guidance, parents and the student, will determine what type of program, if one exists, may enable the student to meet the course overall expectations and earn a credit for the course. Havergal does not offer a credit recovery program as that is only possible in publicly funded school boards and students may have to repeat a course to meet the requirements. A student who fails or withdraws from a compulsory credit course will be informed of the consequences for meeting diploma requirements. The program options available to meet the requirements will be outlined and possible alternative courses identified. (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2016. Print. Section 7.5 p 79)
Curriculum Information
Access to Course Outlines and Ontario Ministry Of Education Curriculum Documents Detailed course outlines are available to parents for examination at the school. Parents may access the course outlines on the parent community portal in the Academic Information section under Course Outlines ( https://community.havergal.on.ca/ ) Please contact the appropriate Head of Department or the Vice Principal Teaching & Learning for further information. Ontario Curriculum documents may be accessed at the following Ministry of Education site: www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum
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