Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
Procedures for Students Who Wish to Change Course Types (OS 7 2 4) Some students may change their educational goals as they proceed through secondary school. When they decide to embark on a new pathway, they may find that they have not completed all of the prerequisite courses they need. In most cases, a student may enrol in a different type of course in a given subject in Grade 10 than the type she completed in Grade 9, although doing so may require additional preparation as recommended by the Principal. In the case of mathematics, the sole prerequisite for the Grade 10 academic mathematics course is the Grade 9 academic mathematics course. Since Havergal does not offer applied courses, Havergal does not offer any transfer courses. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) (OS 7 2 5) Prior learning includes the knowledge and skills that students have acquired in both formal and informal ways outside Ontario secondary school classrooms. The PLAR process involves two components: challenge and equivalency. At Havergal, we apply the equivalency process only, which involves the assessment of credentials from other jurisdictions. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for Regular Day School Students (OS 7 2 5 1) For students who are transferring from home schooling, a non- inspected private school or a school outside Ontario, the school will grant equivalency credits for placement purposes based on an evaluation of the student’s previous learning (see section “Students Transferring Between Schools within Ontario” and “Students Transferring from Home Schooling, a Non-inspected Private School or a School Outside Ontario” for more information). (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2016. Print. Section p 74) Students Transferring Between Schools Within Ontario (OS 4 3 1) Secondary school students who transfer from one Ontario secondary school to another will have their credits (as recorded on their Ontario Student Transcript) transferred with them, along with information on their progress towards meeting graduation requirements. (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2011. Print. Section 4.3.1 p 51)
Students Transferring From Home Schooling, A Non- Inspected Private School Or A School Outside Ontario (OS 4 3 2) For secondary students who are transferring from home schooling, a non-inspected private school or a school outside Ontario, the Principal in consultation with Head of Guidance and Vice Principal Teaching & Learning will, in the process of deciding where the student should be placed, determine as equitably as possible the total credit equivalency of the student’s previous learning and the number of compulsory and optional credits still to be earned. The credit equivalency total and the number of compulsory credits included will be entered on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript (OST). Students will have to meet the provincial secondary school literacy requirement. The Principal will determine the number of hours of community involvement activities the student will have to complete. Final decisions regarding placement are made by the Principal in consultation with the student, faculty and parents. The Principal will communicate the placement decision, and the rationale for the placement, to the student and parents. The Principal will note the results of the assessment and the reasons for the decision in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR). (Canada. Ministry of Education, Ontario. Policy and Program. Ontario Schools Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements. Toronto: Ministry of Education, 2016. Print. Section 4.3.2 p 52) Option 1 For Music programs completed outside the school, the Principal may award a maximum of 2 university/college preparation credits (1 Grade 11 credit and 1 Grade 12 credit) towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. These credits may be awarded in addition to any other music credits earned in the school through successful completion of Ontario curriculum courses. The course titles and course codes are as follows: Music - External (Conservatory), AMX3M: and Music - External (Conservatory), AMX4M. The credits will be awarded upon presentation of the official forms or certificates documenting the required achievement. The credits are optional credits; they may not be used to meet the compulsory credit requirement in the arts or the additional compulsory credit requirement for Group 2. Note: • Students may not use these credits to satisfy the related course requirement for a cooperative education program. • A student awarded 2 music credits in this manner may not earn additional Grade 10 to 12 music credits through the Prior Learning and Assessment (PLAR) challenge or equivalency process. • A maximum of 4 credits earned through a combination of a dual credit program and a program in music taken outside the school may be used to meet the optional credit requirement for the OSSD. Programs in Music Taken Outside the School (OS 7 3 4) A student may be awarded a maximum of 2 credits for music programs taken outside the school through one or both of the following options.
44 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
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