Family Handbook 2024-25
Closing Ceremony The JS Closing Ceremony marks the end of the school year. It provides an opportunity for us to gather as a community to: celebrate our joint accomplishments; reflect on the challenges we have faced and overcome; honour those members of the community, including our Grade 6s, who are moving on from the Junior School; and to wish each other a warm goodbye, as the summer holidays begin. Co-Curricular Fest The Co-Curricular Fest occurs during lunch in late September or early October for Upper School students interested in getting involved in co-curricular life at Havergal. Representatives from all clubs, community partners as well as Affinity and Alliance groups set up booths to inform and invite interested student participants to join. There, students learn about offerings, their outcomes and time commitments. Sign up occurs approximately one week following to allow time for students to plan with their parent(s)/guardians and their Form Teacher or Teacher Advisor to support making good choices. Connection Prayers Connection Prayers is a student-led Prayers at the Upper School that celebrates two unique populations of students within the Upper School: (1) Marguerites are those students who have attended Havergal College for at least 12 consecutive years and (2) siblings are those sibling students—the eldest of which is in Grade 12—who attend the Upper School. Parents of these girls often attend this fun and emotional event. Day School Office (DSO, Grades 7 to 12) The DSO is the administrative centre for student attendance of the Upper School. Information entered into Veracross’ student logistics module from the Report Attendance button on the portal is accessed by this team. If parents require further assistance, they should phone or email the DSO. It is also where students sign in if they are late or have to leave early for any reason. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Young Canadians Challenge, is a nationwide program that rewards all-round achievement by providing a balanced range of co-curricular activities for students 14 to 25 years of age. A student may participate at one of three levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver or Gold, each of which has a minimum age requirement. While Havergal College offers to help facilitate the program administratively, the onus is on students themselves to move through the stages and activities of this independent, student-driven program. EllenKnox The First Principal of Havergal College, Ellen Knox came from Cheltenham Ladies’ College in England in 1894 at the age of 36. Her work set the school on a firm foundation and her wisdom, values and vision for Havergal and its students continue to guide the school today.
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