Family Handbook 2023-24
OTC medication, the nurse will call the parent first for consent to administer. In an emergency circumstance, the nurse may administer any medication that is assessed to be needed. If you do not want your child to receive any over-the-counter medication, please ensure this is updated on your child’s Vital Health Record in the Magnus. A link to Magnus is available on the Parent Portal under My Household > Update My Child’s Health Information. If a student brings medication to be administered at school, the medication must be in the original dispensing container from the pharmacy and should be given to a Health Centre nurse to be secured in a locked cupboard, along with administration instructions (reason, frequency and dose). Additionally, the CPR, First Aid and Safety Policy outlines the distribution of medication by non-medical staff and faculty for both non-prescription and prescription medication. Health Records at Havergal The Health Centre ensures that the health records of students in JK to Grade 12 are accurately and confidentially stored. Accurate record-keeping helps keep students safe on- and off-site, and it relies on parents being diligent about updating their children’s health information and sharing it with the school. Please complete your child’s Vital Health Record in the Magnus Health Portal to ensure the following information is accurate and updated: health conditions, allergies, history of concussions, dietary restrictions and administration of medications from Health Centre nurses. Parents are responsible for updating the school on any changes in your child’s health status throughout the year by updating information in the Magnus Health Portal. Parents are required to provide their child’s routine immunization records with Toronto Public Health, which can be done through the Toronto Public Health Immunization Connect webpage. Immunization records are not kept by Havergal; parents are able to get these records through Toronto Public Health. The Health Centre will assist Boarding students in updating their immunizations. All health-related policies can be found in the Policies, Procedures and Agreements page on the Parent Portal.
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