Family Handbook 2023-24
Student Support
Student support is made up of a diverse group of Havergal faculty and staff from the Junior and Upper Schools who are responsible for overseeing the umbrella of student support services that place students at the centre of their care. Students are supported by the Deputy Principal; Vice Principal, Student Life & Wellbeing; Heads of Schools; directors of Guidance; guidance counsellors; social workers; school nurses; the school physician; and learning support specialists. This team is ultimately responsible to the Principal for management of student wellbeing within the school. These staff are available to guide students through their school experience and, in particular, assist them in managing academic, psychosocial, physical and spiritual needs. Student support members work closely with students to help them navigate adversity and embrace successes as they progress through their academic journeys. This approach is student-centric and case-specific, whereby the composition of individuals supporting a student is uniquely established. In this model, student support is composed of people in proportion to the specific needs of the student. Every student support team has a designated leader who assumes responsibility for managing the case and communicating to parents. Commitment to Inclusive Excellence—Student Support Services Student Support Services at Havergal College is committed to providing affirming and culturally sensitive services to our students. We strive to offer services and programs that are inclusive and give voice to the varied experiences specific to the racial, ethnic and cultural background/ experience, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic experience, religious affiliation, nationality and/or disability status of our students. We engage students with respect, affirmation, acceptance, understanding and an appreciation of our differences and similarities, and we are open to learning when there is a lack of familiarity with a student’s experience. Our team of social workers, guidance counsellors and learning support specialists have extensive experience and specialized training in providing support services to individuals of diverse social identities and backgrounds. We understand that only through an awareness of ourselves as cultural beings can we hope to understand and help others.
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