Family Handbook 2023-24


Health Centre

The Health Centre operates Monday to Friday, on all school days. There is a nurse on duty in the Junior School Health Centre between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, and in the Upper School Health Centre between 8 am and 4:30 pm. Whenever possible, students are encouraged to visit the Health Centre before classes start for the day, at breaks and at lunch to reduce interference with their class schedule.

If a Day student is not well and unable to attend classes, their parents will be called and asked to make arrangements for their child to be picked up and taken home.

The Nursing Team The Health Centre Nursing Team supports the physical and related social emotional needs of Boarding and Day students alike. The Health Centre Nursing Team is composed of a Manager, Health Centre/Lead Nurse and several Registered Nurses. The Health Centre also employs a consulting Physician who sees Boarding students once/week or as needed. The physician is available for consultation as needed.

Medication at School

Medication administration of prescription and non-prescription medication by a Health Centre nurse may arise in the following scenarios:

● The medication is essential for a Day student to continue to attend school. ● It is necessary that the medication must be taken during school hours or during school-sponsored events. ● It is not appropriate for the Day student to self-administer the medication. ● The student’s parent/guardian is not reasonably able to attend at school to administer the medication. ● The medication is administered in the case of a health emergency. ● The student lives in the Boarding School. The Health Centre keeps a stock of common over-the-counter (OTC) medications, which may be administered after a nursing assessment. Prior to the beginning of the school year, parents have an option to consent for nine common over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Gravol, Reactine, Benadryl, TUMS, Pepto Bismol). If parents have consented for these medications, the nurse can give these to the student if assessed that they require them. If parents have not consented for any


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