Family Handbook 2018-19
● When students arrive after classes have begun, they must sign in at the DSO to obtain an Admit Slip before going to classes. When students have repeated lates, they may be subject to detention. ● A student who needs to leave school early must provide parental permission to the DSO in advance of departure. Boarding students may not sign out during a spare/study period. ● Grade 11 students may not sign out during a spare/study period. They must remain in the building and sign in at the DSO to indicate their location within the school during their designated spare(s). ● Grade 12 students may sign out during a spare/study period. Study Periods / Spares A study period is a designated block of time in a student’s timetable in which a class is not scheduled. Students commonly refer to study periods as spares. Grade 11 and 12 students with study periods will not be supervised as they are considered to be engaged in independent study. ● Boarding students may not sign out during a spare/study period. ● Grade 11 students may not sign out during a spare/study period. They must remain in the building and sign in at the DSO to indicate their location within the school during their designated spare(s). ● As the most senior students, Grade 12 students have the privilege of managing their time more independently. As such, Grade 12 students are not expected to sign in with the DSO during their designated study periods, but they are expected to be present for all school‑related events including Prayers, House/TA and grade meetings, regardless of scheduled spares. If Grade 12 students leave the building during their spare, they are expected to sign in and out at the DSO. Student Absences Students who demonstrate a pattern of missed assessments due to absence may be asked, with their parents, to meet with a School Administrator. Students who miss exams must bring a doctor’s note upon their return. If a student skips a class, House/TA or Prayers, she is referred to the Head, Middle School or the Dean of Senior School Students and will be subject to a detention. Students caught forging their parent’s signature on notes accounting for their school attendance and/or emailing the school pretending to be a parent are in violation of Havergal’s Code of Conduct and are subject to disciplinary measures accordingly.
If we are unable to connect with a parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine the reason for a student’s absence, an administrator will be informed and will decide what further action to take. If none of
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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