Family Handbook 2018-19
the contacts we have on record can be reached, and the school cannot be satisfied as to the child's safety, a decision to take further action—including calling the police—rests with the Principal, or designate. Personal Device‑Free Zones: Creating a Culture of Community and Wellness New guidelines inform how all Upper School students use their cell phones and computers. Based on student, parent and faculty input, we have created personal device‑free times and zones during our TA, Form and House gatherings (unless otherwise required by programming needs within these times). As a community, we want to emphasize face‑to‑face engagement and interaction with the programming of House, TA and Form. As well, students will not be permitted to use their personal devices in the Hawkins Dining Hall, Temerty Commons and B33 and B35 classrooms during lunchtime. Sharing meals in public spaces is an intentional community‑building time we view as opportunities to meet with friends, peers and new community members. The intention of this policy is to promote community and overall wellness at Havergal. These guidelines will be supported with educational programming.
Personal Device‑Free Zones*
8:15‑8:30 am
House, TA and Form
8:30‑9 am
11:50 am ‑1 pm Dining Hall
Temerty Common B33 B35
* unless required
Detentions Detentions are given for infractions of the school rules. At their discretion, teachers may have students serve a detention for minor or in‑class infractions privately with them or they may assign a formal detention, which will be served on Tuesdays after school. When student behaviour is considered to be deliberate (e.g., skipping a class or Prayers, vandalism), the student is sent to the Dean of Senior School Students, who may assign a two‑hour Saturday morning detention. Saturday morning detentions are served in Number One Dress and are held in the Ellen Knox Library from 9 to 11 am. which are supervised by teachers.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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