Family Handbook 2018-19
Subject Attendance
Each period, teachers record absences and late arrivals electronically. Students and parents are encouraged to make appointments for times other than during the academic day. Students who are late for class must first sign in at the Day School Office (DSO).
Recess On most days, there is a 20‑minute recess that occurs between the first and second periods in the school day. This time may be adjusted occasionally to accommodate special schedules and events.
Lunch ● All students who eat lunch on campus are expected to eat in several designated areas of the school. Students are not permitted to eat outside of these areas. ● Middle School students are not permitted to leave the premises at lunch without expressed written permission from a parent. ● Students in Grades 9 to 12 may leave campus for lunch, but they must sign in and out at the DSO during lunchtime. ● Parents must be aware that students who choose to leave campus are unsupervised and responsible for their own actions. ● Lunch in the dining hall and associated classrooms are designated device‑free zones. Students who arrive late, or leave before the end of the school day, must have permission from a parent or guardian and must always sign in and out of the DSO. This permission may be in the form of a written note, email from a parent or guardian email account or a telephone call. All students leaving or returning to the campus must sign out and sign in at the DSO. This includes students who leave campus for lunch. Signing In and Signing Out ● When students arrive after 8:20 am, they must sign in at the DSO to receive an Admit Slip before going to Form/Prayers/House. Students must be in proper uniform before they may sign in at the DSO. The DSO is the Know: Student Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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