Family Handbook 2018-19
If you know in advance, please register as soon as possible. This is a matter of student safety. ● If your child arrives at Gator Care and is not registered, the Gator Care Supervisor will call you to confirm that your child should be in the program and an additional administration fee will be charged. ● Fees for this program will be applied to your monthly statements. Gator Care Sign‑In/Sign Out ● The safety and security of our students is our highest priority. As such, students must sign‑in to Gator Care and will only be released with the signature of a parent or other predetermined adult. Bicycles Students arriving by bicycle must use the racks available at the east side of the school. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure her bicycle is properly locked and secured. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, bicycles left on school property. Students must wear helmets if riding their bike to and from school. Bus Transportation Should a child require bus transportation, it is the parent’s responsibility to make arrangements directly with the company of their choice. It is imperative that parents notify the school of the carrier’s name and phone number and the days for which transportation has been arranged so that children are assigned to the correct bus company at the end of the day. We ask parents to ensure that the bus driver initially introduces him/herself to the office staff and the classroom teacher. Bus drivers pick up the children by 3:45 pm, as is the case with all other children. Parents of children who normally use the bus but who, for any reason, are not taking the bus on a particular day must inform the school.
Please note: if notification is not received, the child will be sent home on the bus as usual.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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