Family Handbook 2018-19
Before School Gator Care ● Before School Gator Care Program begins at 7:15 am and supports parents whose schedules require them to drop off their children at school before 8 am, as well as to accommodate siblings of girls who are involved in early morning activities. ● There is no charge for Before School Gator Care. ● If a student has a sister who has an athletics practice prior to 7:15 am, she is to accompany her sister to the practice until Gator Care opens. After School Gator Care ● The After School Gator Care Program operates each day from 3:15 to 6 pm. ● Supervision cannot be provided on school holidays (refer to the Parent Portal for school holidays and half‑day holiday dates). ● The After School Gator Care Program format is flexible and responsive to the needs of the students. It allows for the following:
○ a healthy and nutritious snack; ○ unstructured, supervised play;
○ organized activities by Gator Care Staff (e.g., crafts, games, etc.); and ○ a quiet area where students are able to complete homework assignments.
After School Gator Care Billing Rates ● The cost for the Gator Care service is $15 an hour. ● Billing occurs in 15‑minute increments. ● Late Fee after 6 pm: $25 flat fee (this is in addition to the regular fee).
After School Gator Care Registration ● Parents must register their children for the After‑School Gator Care Program by email or phone. This is a matter of safety as the school must know where the child is supposed to be. ● If you know that your daughter(s) will be attending Gator Care regularly throughout the year, you must send one email with the dates that you know you will be using the service. If the dates changes, you must email the new dates. ● If you are using the service on an ad hoc basis, you MUST email the Gator Care supervisor by 3 pm at the latest if your daughter(s) will be attending Gator Care on any particular day.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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