Family Handbook 2018-19
Pick‑up takes place between 3:15 and 3:45 pm. To facilitate pick‑up, there is a staggered dismissal process.
● 3:15 ‑ 3:30 pm (JK–Grade 2) ● 3:30 ‑ 3:45 pm (Grade 3–Grade 6)
Families with daughters in both dismissal times are asked to come in the second time slot, between 3:30 pm and 3:45 pm. Students that are not picked up by 3:45 pm will be brought into Gator Care. Students will not start to be charged for Gator Care until 4 pm. Please note that Junior School students are not permitted to change out of their school uniform before leaving the school. Should they need to change for an activity after school, they are asked to do so either at home or at an alternate location. Students Not Getting Picked‑Up Students who walk home, take public transit or leave the school with another vendor (taxi, car service or Uber) must have written permission from their parents. In some instances, pick‑up plans unexpectedly change and students can sign‑out' in the Junior School Office when a parent/guardian has called the school to authorize the student leaving in this way. Students going home with another student must have permission in advance from a parent and the teacher must also be informed. Students are not permitted to use the school telephone to arrange playdates. Please note that if your daughter is participating in clubs or athletics, they will have a later dismissal time (4:45 ‑ 5 pm). In this case, parents are asked to wait in front of the Learning Hub to collect their daughter.
Gator Care Procedures
Contact information:
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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