Family Handbook 2018-19
Definition Video surveillance systems means a video, physical or other mechanical, electronic or digital surveillance system or device that enables continuous or periodic video recording, observing or monitoring of individuals in school buildings and on school property.
1. The Principal of the school is responsible for the administration of this policy. 2. The Principal has a duty to maintain proper order and discipline in the school. The Principal also has a duty to give assiduous attention to the health and comfort of the students under her care. 3. The school will strive to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for students, staff and community members included in school programs, through an effective management of the video surveillance systems. 4. The school recognizes both the legal obligation to provide appropriate levels of supervision in the interests of student safety and the fact that students have privacy rights that are reduced but not eliminated while the students are under the supervision of the school. 5. Video surveillance systems will only be used in public spaces – hallways, entrances, open general offices, cafeterias and the building perimeter. 6. The video surveillance system of the school will operate seven days a week, 24 hours per day. 7. The confidential nature of the information contained on the video surveillance will be preserved. 8. The school shall provide the authorization for the use and control of video surveillance equipment on school property, both interior and exterior, where circumstances have shown that it is necessary and the benefits outweigh the impact on the privacy of those observed. 9. Video surveillance shall be considered by the school only when other means of deterrence have been shown ineffective. 10. Faculty, staff, students, parents and members of the Board of Governors shall be informed on the use of cameras on school property. 11. Signs will be posted in visible locations notifying the students, staff and public of the presence of the video surveillance systems. 12. Information obtained from video surveillance equipment shall only be used for the protection of students, staff and the public or in assisting in the detection and deterrence of criminal activity and vandalism.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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