Family Handbook 2018-19
● The student or other family members may not copy, migrate or remove school‑licensed software for use on other computers/devices. New software cannot be installed on this equipment unless it is approved by the Havergal Information Technology Department. ● The student and her parents are required to have read, understood and support the Agreement – Acceptable Use of Technology for Parents and Students. ● The student may contact the Havergal College Service Desk when experiencing technical problems. ● File backup is the student’s responsibility. Please ensure that the student is familiar with the back‑up process currently used at Havergal College and that files are backed‑up regularly. Students are only allowed to back‑up schoolwork‑related documents to the Havergal network. Personal pictures, movies and music are not allowed to be backed‑up on the network. ● Particular attention and consideration must be paid to the security and confidentiality of any sensitive information stored on portable devices such as laptops and tablets. The consequences of that information being lost or falling into unauthorized hands may be severe. Wherever possible, any supplied device locks, either physical and/or logical passwords, must be used to secure these assets.
Video Surveillance Policy Policy Statement
Havergal College (the “school”) authorizes the use of video surveillance equipment to monitor school property to maintain safe and secure learning environment for students, staff and community members included in School programs.
The objectives of video surveillance are to: ● enhance the safety of students, staff and visitors to the school; ● protect school property against theft or vandalism; ● aid in identifying intruders or persons breaking the law while on school premises; and ● meet identified security needs.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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