Family Handbook 2018-19
13. Video surveillance shall not be used for the purpose of monitoring staff performing their assigned duties. 14. The school will make video recordings available to police upon written request for the purposes of a law enforcement investigation. 15. The only personnel who may view the videotapes or digital files in the school are the Principal/their designate, the Facilities Director, Building Services Manager, Security or other school staff, where necessary in the performance of their duties and only for the objectives outlined in the “Objectives” section above. 16. A review and assessment of the video surveillance program shall be carried out by the Facilities Director at least once every three years to ascertain whether the program and the placement of video surveillance is still justified. 17. Covert surveillance has the potential to be highly privacy invasive and must only be used as a last resort in a time limited, case specific circumstance. 18. Where appropriate, this policy shall be incorporated into training and orientation programs of the school and service providers.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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