Family Handbook 2018-19
Policy All members of the school community are required to understand their responsibility under this policy to create a smoke‑free and drug‑free school community. Minimizing the health and safety risks associated with cannabis use is the responsibility of all members of the school community. Anyone who breaches this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures as set out in the Code of Conduct. Zero Tolerance of Impairment Cannabis is a substance that can cause impairment. Impairment at school creates health and safety risks for the school community and impedes the ability to learn. The school does not tolerate impairment at school, whether by students or employees. For students under age 19, cannabis remains an “illegal drug” within the meaning set out in the Code of Conduct. Attending school under the influence of cannabis remains unlawful and is a violation of the Code of Conduct. While there may be certain limited circumstances where cannabis use is lawful for adults in Ontario over age 19, the school strictly prohibits students over age 19 and adults from being impaired on school premises and such action will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct. Restrictions on Cannabis To help ensure a safe and healthy school community, the school requires strict compliance with the Cannabis Act, the Ontario Cannabis Act, 2017, the Smoke‑Free Ontario Act, 2017 and any other law applicable to cannabis. No person is permitted to possess, consume, purchase, attempt to purchase or distribute cannabis on school premises. Pursuant to the Cannabis Act, 2017, anyone under age 19 is prohibited from possessing, consuming, purchasing, attempting to purchase or distributing cannabis anywhere in Ontario. Further, no one under age 19 in Ontario may cultivate, propagate or harvest, or offer to cultivate, propagate or harvest, cannabis. Youth under age 19 should be aware that violations of the Cannabis Act, 2017 can result in fines of up to $200 and the requirement to participate in an approved youth education or prevention program. Cannabis use, including by medical cannabis users on school premises, is subject to the restrictions in the Smoke‑Free Ontario Act, 2017. No person is allowed to do the following on school premises: 1. smoke or hold lighted tobacco;
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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