Family Handbook 2018-19
Restriction of Cannabis Policy
(Expected to become law on October 17, 2018) Havergal is fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of its students, faculty, staff and members of the school community. This policy is intended to inform members of the school community of their obligations associated with maintaining a smoke‑free and drug‑free school and must be read in conjunction with Havergal’s Code of Conduct.
Cannabis: includes the definition provided in the Cannabis Act (Federal) and the Cannabis Act, 2017 (Ontario): a) any part of a cannabis plant, including the phytocannabinoids produced by, or found in, such a plant, regardless of whether that part has been processed or not, except a non‑viable seed, a mature stalk without any leaf flower seed or branch, fibre derived from a stalk, the root or any part of the root of a cannabis plant; b) any substance or mixture of substances that contains or has on it any part of such a plant; and c) any substance that is identical to any phytocannabinoid produced by, or found in, such a plant, regardless of how the substance was obtained. Drug: any substance, chemical or agent including those for which the use or possession is: ● unlawful in Canada; or ● requires a personal prescription from a licenced treating physician. Medical Cannabis User: a person who is authorized to possess cannabis for the person’s own medical purposes in accordance with applicable federal law. Currently medical cannabis users are authorized under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. School Premises: a building or portion of a building occupied by a private school within the meaning of the Education Act and the grounds surrounding the buildings of a private school where a private school is the only occupant of the premises, and the grounds annexed to a private school, where a private school is not the only occupant of the premises.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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