Family Handbook 2018-19
2. smoke or hold lighted medical cannabis; 3. use an electronic cigarette; and 4. consume any cannabis‑based prescribed products or substances, in a prescribed manner. The following acts are strictly prohibited on school premises or during any off‑site school‑sponsored field trips, excursions or activities: ● possession of cannabis; ● consumption of cannabis; ● purchase or attempted purchase of cannabis; and ● distribution of cannabis. Medical Cannabis Use by Students Students who are lawful Medical Cannabis Users remain subject to the applicable rules under the Ontario Cannabis Act, 2017 and the Smoke‑Free Ontario Act, 2017. The school will review individual circumstances to determine what accommodation of a student’s medical cannabis use is reasonable. Medical cannabis, to the extent it is permitted on school premises in accordance with applicable laws, will be controlled in a manner similar to other medications.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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