Family Handbook 2018-19
● dance moves should be respectful (no grinding); and ● remember, it is of the utmost importance that you learn to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. You are an ambassador for your school.
If there is a behaviour problem, the staff supervisor in attendance from his/her school will make a decision regarding consequences or any discipline required.
Middle School COSSOT Social Events One of the objectives at the Middle School level is to provide opportunities for students to meet and socialize with other students from a variety of schools. The number of students able to attend each event varies and, as a result, each participating school is allotted a predetermined number of spots. All students are encouraged to act as ambassadors and hosts when attending the dance held at Havergal College. Permission Forms All students in Grades 7 and 8 require parental/guardian permission in order to attend a COSSOT event. The privilege of attending a COSSOT event depends upon students taking responsibility for picking‑up and returning a completed permission form as well as adhering to expectations of COSSOT in terms of dress and behaviour at events. Permission forms will be made available through email and in the office of the Head of Middle School prior to each event and should be returned to the same office by the deadline stated on each permission form. 1. Participating schools are predetermined by COSSOT Middle School Coordinators/Middle School Heads. 2. Ideally, there are two chaperones accompanying the students from each visiting school. 3. Each participating school is allotted a limited number of tickets and each school determines how tickets are sold and/or distributed. 4. Tickets will not be distributed prior to attending dances at other schools, but a list of students attending will be at the host school for attendance verification. 5. Students who are on the list but not able to attend the dance must inform their school coordinator/Head prior to the event if possible. 6. Each participating school will distribute permission forms with details for the dance in advance Dance Guidelines and Expectations
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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