Family Handbook 2018-19
COSSOT Events The Coalition of Single Sex Schools of Toronto (COSSOT) is made up of independent schools in the Greater Toronto area. Interschool co‑curricular activities organized by staff and student leaders are communicated through the Heads or Assistant Heads at each school in order to respect the programs, dates and procedures of the different schools. In all cases, when a guest at another school, Havergal students are expected to uphold the Havergal College Code of Conduct and represent Havergal College admirably.
Dress Code for All “Non‑Uniform” COSSOT Events
The standard of dress is smart casual. Smart casual does not include: ● sweatpants; ● ripped pants or tops;
● undergarments showing; ● pants worn below the hips; ● midriff showing; ● spaghetti strap/low cut top/halter top/tank top/tube top (shoulders must be covered); ● hats; ● inappropriate images or sayings on t‑shirts or tops; and ● skirt and short lengths: skirt/short hem line must lower than extended fingertips when arm is extended. Students not adhering to the dress code will be asked to change or wear a school t‑shirt provided by the school’s teacher/supervisor. If the student does not wish to change or wear the clothing provided, they may go home (with parental permission) or sit in a designated area until the activity is over. Appropriate behaviour is expected of all students at all times. The following is a list of behaviours expected from all students attending a COSSOT event: ● follow instructions the first time they are given; ● if the instruction is not clear, ask for clarification. If you disagree with an instruction, follow‑up individually with the adult who gave the instruction from any given school, or speak to your teacher/supervisor; ● always be mindful, courteous and considerate of others; Behaviour Code for All COSSOT Events
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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