Family Handbook 2017-18
Guidelines: 1. Students may fundraise at Havergal College only in support of Havergal’s community partnerships, except: a. in cases of disaster relief; or b. if a proposal is approved in accordance with the criteria in point 3 (below). 2. Proposals for fundraising in support of community partners must be brought to the Manager of the Forum for Change, who will refer them to the appropriate School Administrator for a decision. 3. If students (Prefects, councils, clubs, Houses, Forms, groups, etc.) or faculty/staff want to fundraise for a cause or organiza on that is not a community partner, a proposal must be brought to the Manager of the Forum for Change for referral to the appropriate School Administrator for a decision. These Grade 12 leaders are democra cally elected and set the tone for the year with an annual theme, cheer and other ini a ves, as well as lead a variety of councils and projects related to their por olios like: Arts, Sports, Community, Student Council, Social, Prayers/Assembly, Admissions, House and Spirit, Junior School, Middle School, Health and Wellness, Sustainability and Boarding. House Captains These Grade 12 leaders are democra cally elected and represent one of 10 Houses with pride and spirit, as well as guide members of their Houses through tradi onal and collabora ve events such as Celebra on Saturday and House Shout. House Execu ve Commi ees Each House has an Execu ve Commi ee composed of the House Advisor (faculty) and democra cally elected student representa ves. The Execu ve meets regularly each month to address House business and plan mee ngs and ac vi es. Execu ve members also serve as House representa ves on different Senior School councils that meet on a regular basis each month. Upper School Leadership (Grades 7‐12) School Prefects
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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