Family Handbook 2017-18
Senior Year Presidents These Grade 12 leaders are democra cally elected and plan events and encourage collabora on among our Grads throughout their final year at Havergal. This group of leaders organizes events such as the Senior Year Workshop, Halloween Assembly, Spring Formal and the Grad Gi Campaign. Club Heads These Senior School student leaders are o en in Grade 11 or 12 and are elected or appointed to lead an organized club at the school. Community Partnership Heads These Senior School student leaders are o en in Grade 11 or 12 and are appointed to lead one of the school’s community‐based groups. School Councils School Councils are groups of democra cally‐elected students who are commi ed to represen ng and leading their fellow students, faculty and staff: Middle School Council, Senior School Student Council, Community Council, Sports Council, Arts Council, Junior Don Council and Liaison Representa ves who liaise with the Junior School. School Prefects generally coordinate the different councils. The Boarder Prefect facilitates the Junior Don Council. House Ambassadors Students in Grades 7 through 12 may volunteer to be House Ambassadors or House Buddies to new students entering Havergal’s Upper School. Throughout the spring and summer months, the Ambassadors are available to answer ques ons for the new girls who will be entering their House in the fall. As well as a ending new girl events in the spring, the Ambassadors are available in several areas throughout the school during the first two weeks of classes to ensure our new students are well taken care of. Welcome Commi ee The Havergal Welcome Commi ee is an ac ve volunteer group of Havergal students who take prospec ve students on tours of the school, greet special guests, speak about the Havergal experience and community and serve as ambassadors at school func ons.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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