Family Handbook 2017-18
metres (past the bend and the front doors of the school) not only keeps south‐ and northbound traffic flowing be er on Avenue Road, but it makes dropping off your passenger(s) safer.
2. Stop and hop. When you come to a complete stop be sure your passenger is ready to hop out of your vehicle. Discourage your daughter from tex ng, ge ng permission slips signed by the driver, pu ng on her boots, looking for her boots and/or grooming the family pet. 3. No special deliveries please. Parking your car on either side of the Upper School driveway to deliver your daughter’s lunch, tuba, textbooks or any other important item seriously impedes the flow of traffic—every me. If there is a pressing need for you to drop anything off at security please do so before 8 am; before the busiest drop off me, which starts just a er 8 am and goes un l 8:30 am. 4. Pack to grab. Some students carpool and a designated driver can drop off as many as four passengers, which of course requires students to get their gear from the trunk of a car or the back of an SUV. Students should pack their belongings knowing they have to grab them quickly to speed things up considerably. The same is true for single passengers in cars with hockey bags, ski equipment, cellos and trumpets. Block Rota on The school operates on a rota ng, four‐block,eight‐day cycle that students experience as odd and even days. In this model, your daughter will see her respec ve subject teachers every other day. The block rota on schedule has been established for the en re school year and your daughter can access it in print by referring to her school‐issued student agenda or through the online calendar. Daily A endance Daily student absences must be reported by a parent or guardian to the Day School Office (DSO) prior to the start of the school day. This may be done by telephone or an email message sent from a parent or guardian’s email account. Students who expect to arrive late, or leave early, must have permission from a parent or guardian. This permission may be in the form of a wri en note, email message from a parent or guardian account or telephone call. In the Upper School, students must always sign in and out with the DSO.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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