Family Handbook 2017-18
Prayers: Monday, Thursday and Friday Upper School students, faculty and staff gather for Prayers three mes weekly. Students are invited to reflect on the resonance of the school’s mission and values and how they apply to their own lives. Students who would like to present in Prayers must see the the Chaplain or VP School Life & Opera ons. Students who would like to make an announcement at Prayers must seek approval from the VP Student Engagement & Experien al Development.
Students who are caught skipping Prayers may will receive a Saturday deten on.
“The DSO Is In the Know” Student Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals: Signing In and Signing Out ● All students are expected to be at Havergal for the dura on of the school day. ● Students who arrive late or leave before the end of the school day must have permission from a parent or guardian and must always sign in and out of the Day School Office (DSO). This permission may be in the form of a wri en note, email from a parent or guardian email account or a telephone call. ● When students arrive a er 8:20 am and before the Form/House has le for Prayers, Form Teachers & Teacher Advisors (TAs) will record the student as late. ● When a student arrives a er the TA/House has le for Prayers, she must sign in at the DSO to receive an Admit Slip before going to Prayers, where she will sit in the Gallery. Students must be in proper uniform before they may sign in at the DSO. ● When a student arrives a er classes have begun, she must sign in at the DSO to obtain an Admit Slip before going to classes. When students have repeated lates, they may be subject to a deten on. House & TA A endance A endance is taken in House by TAs on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, a endance is taken in first period classes. All faculty and students must be in either House or their Period 1 class by 8:20 am. Teachers record absences and late arrivals as of 8:20 am. Subject A endance Each period, teachers record absences and late arrivals electronically. Students and parents are encouraged to make appointments for mes other than during the academic day. Students who are late for class must first sign in at the Day School Office (DSO).
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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