Family Handbook 2017-18
BioWall), a newly designed quad and a renovated servery. The school is aiming to complete renova ons by early 2019, in me to mark Havergal’s 125th anniversary.
The capital campaign can only be realized by the con nued investment from our community—parents, grandparents, Old Girls, faculty, staff and friends.
To make a gi online, please visit
What Is the Impact of My Gi ? ● Bursary support makes a Havergal educa on more accessible for qualified students who could not otherwise afford to a end. ● Upgraded equipment and quality resources strengthen our Athle cs, Arts, Drama and Music programs. ● Guest speakers are experts in their fields who can expand the reach of the classroom. ● Enhanced learning spaces offer more flexible learning environments. ● Professional development for teachers encourages innova on in the classroom. How Do I Make My Gi ? ● Please feel free to call the Advancement Officer, Community Rela ons at 416‐482‐4707 ● You can also review the different ways to give on the website at: h ps://‐to‐give/ ● In the fall, you will receive an Annual Giving package with a reply envelope enclosed for your dona on – many of our parents choose to donate through the mailed package.
Havergal’s charitable business number is: 11923 7212 RR0001
The Havergal College Founda on The Havergal College Founda on oversees the investment of funds raised by the Havergal community. The Founda on ensures that the assets of The Founda on, together with expected contribu ons and income, are invested in a prudent and effec ve manner. Please visit for more informa on on The Havergal College Founda on.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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