Family Handbook 2017-18
The Annual Giving program is administered by staff in the department of Advancement & Community Rela ons. Annual Giving packages are mailed each fall. A reminder mailing is delivered in the spring to those who have not already made a dona on. We aim to have 100% par cipa on from parents.
Did you know? ● Tui on covers approximately 90% of the actual cost of a Havergal educa on.
● All gi s of $25 or more receive a charitable tax receipt. ● Havergal’s fiscal year is from July 1st to June 30th. ● All Havergal donors are recognized in our Annual Report.
What Are the Priority Areas? Where you direct your gi is up to you. Some donors direct their dona ons toward specific areas, while others choose the area of greatest need. This year, Havergal’s area of greatest need is the Limitless Campaign. Limitless Campaign In addi on to annual giving support, the school undertakes a major fundraising campaign approximately every decade to ensure our facili es remain current and that we are able to support our curriculum and the latest, most effec ve teaching methods that are specific to how girls learn. The Limitless Campaign brings to life our strategic vision of delivering leading programs in spaces that inspire learning. Our goal is to raise $21 million to support developments to Havergal’s Junior and Upper Schools in order to provide the best teaching and learning environments possible. We are proud to be working with Diamond Schmi Architects, a Governor General’s Award‐winning firm, where Havergal Old Girl Sydney Browne (Class of 1982) is a Principal. The completed project will see our Junior School students benefi ng from a two‐storey addi on to the north of the exis ng building, where customized classrooms for Art, Music and STEM programs will inspire girls to think cri cally and inter‐dependently. Reconstructed Junior and Senior Kindergarten classrooms, a renovated gymnasium and a new dining wing will significantly change the look and feel of the Junior School. Our Upper School students will experience a three‐storey addi on at the rear of the building adjoining the Athle c Centre, providing redesigned Art studios, innova ve technology classrooms, a new student commons (featuring a
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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