Family Handbook 2017-18
Commitment to Diversity Havergal will foster understanding and tolerance about difference in race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, ci zenship, creed, sex, sexual orienta on, gender iden ty, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability. These terms shall have the meaning accorded to them under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Commitment to Sustainability The Havergal community will meet its responsibility to contribute to the flourishing of the Earth. Each member of the school community is a part of the collec ve responsibility to build awareness and understanding of sustainable prac ces and principles and to implement prac ces and policies in focus areas including energy efficiency, waste reduc on and the procurement and use of resources. For more informa on, visit:‐campus/sustainability Commitment to Philanthropy Havergal’s long tradi on of philanthropic support has spanned genera ons. Support began with the founding of Havergal in 1894. The establishment of its present campus in 1926, the addi on of new wings built in 1959, 1977 and 1999 as well as Havergal’s Athle c Centre (built in 2006) and Dr. Catherine Steele Archives were all made possible through contribu ons from members of the Havergal community. Why Is Dona ng Important? Each year, we invite members of the Havergal community, including parents, Old Girls, Grade 12 students, staff and friends to donate to our Annual Fund. Everyone who is a member of the Havergal community is invited to support to the best of their ability. Annual giving is an important source of financial support for curriculum enrichment, financial assistance, special projects and many other ini a ves that make our academic, athle cs, arts and music programs unique. Each genera on of Havergal students have benefited from the generosity of past supporters. By making your annual gi , you are advancing our culture of giving and ensuring that our girls have an enriching experience while at Havergal. Par cipa on is in many ways as important as the amount given ; a sense of community is strengthened when everyone gives and feels invested in the school’s mission.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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