Family Handbook 2017-18
School Leadership
Governance The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall stewardship of Havergal College. The Board sets broad policy direc ons through strategic planning and goal se ng and ensures the financial stability of the school. The Board is responsible for appoin ng the Principal to whom it delegates authority over the administra on of the school and ma ers of curriculum and staffing. In keeping with membership requirements of the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), the Board oversees the school and remains at arm’s length from the administra on. Senior Leadership Team (SLT) The Senior Leadership Team oversees all aspects of the school. This team is chaired by the Principal and made up of individuals with responsibili es for Academics (curricular and co‐curricular program), Admissions, Advancement, Community Rela ons, Communica ons, Marke ng, Facili es, Finance, School Life, Opera ons, Safety, Student Wellness, Human Resources and Informa on Technology. The SLT is comprised of the following members:
Helen‐Kay Davy Seonaid Davis
Vice Principal Teaching & Learning Vice Principal School Life & Opera ons
Michael Simmonds
Vice Principal Student Engagement & Experien al Development
Garth Nichols
Interim Head, Junior School (JK–6) Head, Senior School (Grades 9–12)
Kate White
Gillian Mar n
Execu ve Director of Enrollment Management Execu ve Director of Communica ons & Marke ng Execu ve Director of Advancement & Community Rela ons
Maggie Houston‐White Antonie a Mirabelli
Tony diCosmo Sandip Mitra
Chief Financial Officer Director of Facili es
Lisa Massie
Execu ve Director of People & Culture
Catherine Caven Ortved
Director of IT
Keith Townend
Execu ve Assistant to the Principal and Board of Governors
Jill Azis
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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