Family Handbook 2017-18
Weekly Email Messages You can look forward to receiving a weekly message sent by the Interim Head, Junior School and the VP School Life & Opera ons about upcoming Junior and Upper School events. These messages are usually sent on Fridays via grade‐ and school‐specific email distribu on lists created by Veracross. Academic Communica on Establishing and keeping open lines of communica on between the school and home is essen al to the maintenance of an excellent learning environment and promo ng wellness in our students. For academic issues parents are always encouraged to meet directly with their daughters’ teachers whenever you have a ques on, concern or commenda on. Teachers will reach out to parents by phone and email to do the same as needed throughout the year. In general, parents should never be surprised about their daughter’s academic progress in any subject. Homeroom and Form teachers, Teacher Advisors, Assistant Heads, Department Heads, Learning Support Specialists, Guidance Counsellors, School Nurses, the school‐based Social Worker, Chaplains, Coaches and Vice Principals will reach out to parents as needed. Please feel welcome to contact members within this group at any me throughout the year to share behind‐the‐scenes informa on you feel is important the school to know about your daughter: a beloved grandparent is ill; the family pet has died; a divorce. Most concerns you may have can be addressed by the people noted above. In most instances, you can expect for your call or email to be returned within 24 hours on a weekday. However, some issues or concerns may require several contacts to be resolved sa sfactorily. Addi onally, parents (and students) who email teachers at unreasonably late (or early) mes during the day should not expect to receive an immediate reply. The school year at Havergal is viewed as one academic period rather than a series of discrete terms. In addi on to the People & Program evenings, there are five mes during the year when academic communica on between teachers and parents is scheduled: two parent‐teacher conferences and three wri en report cards throughout the academic year.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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