Family Handbook 2017-18
Communica on Havergal makes every effort to keep parents and guardians informed throughout the school year. This is principally accomplished by reaching out to families by email and online. Our email distribu on lists are derived from the contact informa on provided by parents and guardians, which is accurate to the extent the school is kept apprised of any changes. Havergal is also commi ed to openly communica ng with every parent and/or guardian who is legally en tled to receive informa on from the school. This includes, but is not limited to, weekly email notes, access to online report cards and invita ons to special school events like, for example, Gradua on. Custodial changes that restrict and/or prevent informa on sharing by the school with parents and guardians in this way must be supported by legal documenta on, which the school keeps confiden ally on file. Veracross Veracross is Havergal’s web‐based school informa on management system that connects parents with the school and the school with parents. Parents access Veracross through a password‐protected area called the Community Parent Portal. To access the portal, you need only log into the Community portal of the school’s public website at: It’s important that you familiarize yourself with Veracross because it will help you keep informed about your daughter’s school life. For a helpful step‐by‐step guide, take a look at this PDF : h p:// . myhavergal As a parent, the real power of Veracross is experienced through the myhavergal portal embedded within Veracross. It provides your family with student‐, grade‐ and school‐specific informa on about your daughter(s) academic, athle c and co‐curricular life. It is through myhavergal that you will be able to access your daughter’s Report Cards, reach out to her teachers by email and view teacher‐established course websites on which is posted course outlines, homework assignments and what material has been taught by your daughter’s teachers. You can also update your household profile and daughter’s health file, access class schedules and websites, view online report cards and review messages.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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