Family Handbook 2017-18
where possible. Addi onally, the school may ask for suppor ng documenta on before it sanc ons an extended absence request.
Once the school has been approached by the parent and permission given for the student to miss an extended period of me by the VP School Life & Opera ons or Interim Head, Junior School, teachers will provide appropriate face‐to‐face and online support. As well, students are expected to take responsibility for mee ng with their teachers in advance of a planned absence and to meet the expecta ons established by the teacher in every course. This includes the comple on of all assignments in a mely manner as specified by the teacher. Students must check their Veracross class page to see what they missed during their absence. Final summa ve examina ons in Grades 7–12 must also be wri en by students when they are scheduled unless extenua ng circumstances warrant alterna ve arrangements being made. These special, case‐specific arrangements are established by the VP School Life & Opera ons. Unplanned Extended Absences Some mes it is necessary for students to miss school for an extended period of me when they are sick, injured or otherwise unwell. These, and other kinds of unplanned absences, can present at any me during the school year. In these instances, Havergal will do everything it can to reasonably accommodate and support the student. In general, however, when students are unexpectedly absent from school due to illness, they should check their Veracross class pages to see what was missed during their absences, talk to their teachers about missed assessments and take responsibility for catching up on what they missed. In more serious cases, the school will do whatever it can to support the learning needs of unwell students with compassion and resolve to help the student through a difficult personal me. These are uniquely considered on a case by case basis by the Interim Head, Junior School, VP School Life & Opera ons, the Vice Principal of Teaching & Learning and the student’s Guidance Counsellor. Returning from an Extended Absence Upon returning to school a er an extended absence due to illness, parents are asked to send an email of explana on that will be shared with the school nurse. The nurse keeps this note on file. To prevent the spread of infec on, students should not come back to school un l they have completely recovered from any kind of infec on. In the case of communicable diseases such as measles, chickenpox, etc., the school must be provided with a medical cer ficate indica ng that all danger of infec on is over and that the student is fit to return to school.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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